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Ryle and the others went into the precursor tower to shutdown it gun mode that way alterra could come here safely. Ryle and the others made it to the core room as ryle place his hand into the terminal so that the needle could check his vitals. Tho he does hate the needle as I felt painful from how much force it use. As it checked his vitals it retract to the terminal and everything in the room began shutting down. The tower and it's gun form is turned off which means he complete that part. They all return to their base so that they can prepare to head back home.

But for ryle he was thinking on his choice of either going with them or build the Neptune escape rocket. If he goes with them he can learn about their world and see the difference between their earth to his earth. Or he can part ways with them and build the Neptune escape rocket with their help so he can return back home tho he would need to deal with his current bill of three million credit.

While he was thinking about his decision the others were packing theirs thing up, they even decided to bring their pda and valuable things.

Vanoss decided to take his armor swim suit and his propulsion cannon and also his survival knife. The valuable things he is taking are 4 diamonds, 3 rubies, and 6 copper. He also crafted a orange tablet at a decorations of his YouTube set up.

Wildcat was taking his stasis rifle and a habitat builder so he can build something in his room. The only valuable things he is taking is just diamonds. He is also taking the seeds of a ghost weed plant and 2 blue tablet for decorations tho he needs a big tank for the plants.

Delirious was bringing his scanner and a thermal knife which is turn off. Valuable things he is taking are 5 kyanite, 3 diamonds, and a couple of silver. He is trying to figure out how to bring a couple of  peepers with him.

Nogla was talking his armor swim suit and a couple of ion cubes so he can use them to make superior power and decorations. He is taking a lot of nickel ore as valuable things to take.

Basically was taking 3 tools of his choice and a thermal knife. valuables are 6 diamonds, 6 nickel ore, and ion cubes. His pda has the pictures of their adventure they have done on this planet and is going to see if he can print them out.

Terroriser was taking his habitat builder and scanner so he can see if he can craft some new things. His valuable are diamonds and rubies. The things for him to take is a head of the warpers they kill as a trophy.

The group got what they are talking and return to the main room where ryle was at.

Vanoss: ryle you ok

Ryle: ya I'm fine

Wildcat: well if are going home we can help you build that rocket of yours

Ryle: actually I made my decision

Vanoss: ok

Ryle: I am going with you all

Terroriser: ok but why

Ryle: well I wanted to know how your world is different than mine so I'm going with ya to learn it, plus I wish to hang out with ya

Wildcat: that's cool with us man

Nogla: ya your going to like are world

Terroriser: will have plenty of fun

Ryle: sounds awesome but what about your worlds government

Vanoss: don't worry will help you out

Ryle: ok

Vanoss: so are we ready to go

All: yes

Vanoss: ok let's go

With that the group got to their seamoth and took off to where they first arrived. Ryle was holding onto vanoss seamoth and can see they are go to the island where the degasi once we're. They then park their seamoth where they found the cyclops and swam to land. Now they just need to know where the teleportor was since it's been a month or a week since they ever came to the island. The group began to search the island to see where the entrance of the teleportor was. It took an hour for them until ryle found it behind bunch of bushes. Ryle call the others to come here he is at as they rush to him.

Team 6 of 4546B ( subnautica x vanoss crew )Where stories live. Discover now