Lucky find

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8 hours since vanoss and his friends arrived in this alien world and aren't sure what to do. The pda did say for them to survive and salvage what remains of that big space ship called the aurora. Vanoss was trying his phone but found out he has no signal but of course he has no signal hes on a different planet. Wildcat was messing with the pda seeing what i can do while the others were still salvaging the base some survivors made. Nogla managed to eat one of those plant food from the garden and it turns out they were edible after all. Each group shares the food as they pass it on. The food taste like a fruit almost watermelon like or the fact it could be watermelon. Night was coming and the group need some was to sleep.

Vanoss: ok guys night is coming we need to sleep

Wildcat: what on the ground seriously its hard to sleep on the ground without blankets or something

Terroriser: ya and what if those alien spider come get us while we sleep

Vanoss: we could use the base to sleep in and someone could be a look out during the night

Nogla: that could work but what do we use for blankets

Vanoss though real hard on that part until he got one idea. He saw one of the alien trees and thought of using those giant leaves as blankets.

Vanoss: we could use those giant leaves to sleep on

Basically: that could work

Nogla: ya it could

Wildcat: that lets get to work oh wait hang on

Wildcat went to grab the pda.

Wildcat: hay pda do you play music

PDA: music are not installed on the data bank nor anyway to put music on the pda

Wildcat: fuck ok never mind

With no music the group got to work on making a bed to sleep in the base. They pulled the giant leaves off as they took it in the base which is the big compartment of the base. The even use the leaves to dust the floor before placing the leaves. Terroriser was on the lookout for the alien spider but spotted something else. Up on the mountain was another base but smaller than the one they are at.

Terroriser: guys i see another base up that mountain

Wildcat: ok and what are you thinking

Terroriser: going to check it out

Basically: wait im coming

Wildcat: but what about the bed

Terroriser: will come and finish are beds you just do yours

Wildcat: ah find but make it quick

With that terroriser and basically went the small base at the mountain to see that's there. The only stressful part was them going to climb it to the top of the place.

Time skip

Terroriser and basically managed to make it up with every breath they got from climbing. Once they got there breath back they went inside of the base and saw little of things. Another of those weapon that is broken a glass room which could be a viewing room and another pda.

Terroriser: another pda nice

Basically: wait which one of us is getting it

They both thought of this and made a decision.

Terroriser: i'll get it

Basically: ok as long as i find one to

Terroriser grabbed the pda and Turned it on. The pda started rebooting but got to 100% quicker than wildcat.

Team 6 of 4546B ( subnautica x vanoss crew )Where stories live. Discover now