revenge of the ghost

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Yesterday was completed job as the base was finished and having enough resources to get to the survivor. speaking of which vanoss was in the main room trying to communicate with the survivor seeing if he responds. however hes been doing this all night and hasn't got a rest. the others saw this but didn't bother until now. delirious was the one to enter the base from his long rest and saw vanoss by the communication relay.

delirious: hay evan what's going on

vanoss: oh nothing (yawning)

delirious: are you ok

vanoss: ya im fine how about you

delirious: just got an awsome rest

vanoss: oh good

delirious: but what about you

wildcat walks in.

wildcat: evan your still up

delirious: wait what

vanoss: yes im still awake

delirious: you stood up

vanoss: yes and how do you know i stayed up its dark down here

wildcat: uh the time on are pda

vanoss: right

delirious: you stayed up why

vanoss: so that this survivor can communicate with us

wildcat: and how did it go

vanoss: hasn't respawnded yet

delirious: maybe the signal is still weak

wildcat: ok

vanoss: how i thought we are close to him

delirious: well we are 600 meter down

wildcat: and the note he left said 900 meter down

vanoss: oh right

wildcat: so del how did you sleep

delirious: oh i slep well since are encounter

vanoss: marcel said you and him encounter a leviathan

delirious: ya we did but its not a reaper

wildcat: then what is it

delirious pulls out his pda and show them a picture scan of the leviathan

wildcat: a ghost leviathan juvenile

delirious: yup

vanoss: wait its a juvenile it looks big

delirious: we thought so to but it seems that even tho its big its still young

wildcat: well if its a baby then where is the mother

delirious: im not sure about that because the pda didn't say anything about the parent

vanoss: well if thats the case should we be consern about it

delirious: well i don't think so

wildcat: i say we keep are ears and eyes open for those leviathan

vanoss: alright

then everyone was awake from there nap. despite the depht they are in they all have there alarm on of their choise. wildcat made a disscusion about the ghost leviathan. terroriser was the one to be tired of running from big alien fish. everyone else agreed on what he said.

terroriser: great first a reaper leviathan and now we have to deal with a ghost leviathan

nogla: ya im not real good to deal with this leviathan

Team 6 of 4546B ( subnautica x vanoss crew )Where stories live. Discover now