the research facility

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The team were at the survivors base or in this case ryle base. They were in the main room as vanoss was telling ryle about how they got here. They told him that they were camping went they came across the alien portal that took them here. Apparently ryle said that the aliens that build the teleporter were precursor race. The group never know who the aliens are until ryle told the group.

They even told him how they learn to build their own base, their encounter with the reaper leviathan and how they escape the ghost leviathan, their first contact with the alterra company, and how they fault the warpers. They even told him how their world is different from his world mean they can be in an alternate universe.

Ryle now come to the conclusion.

Ryle: ok so let make this clear you guys are from another earth that is not mine

Vanoss: yes

Ryle: you guys learn how to use are technology

Nogla: with the help of are pda

Ryle: you guys encounter a reaper and ghost leviathan

Wildcat: yes but the ghost leviathan destroyed are base

Ryle: that explain the explosion and you killed a warper how

Basically: while we were taking to are friends back on are earth delirious went exploring and he was being attack by the warpers so we came and faut them

Ryle: how did ya kill it

Terroriser: one of us stabbed the back of its head

Ryle: impossible went a warper is damage they immediately teleport away

Delirious: if you strike it's core quickly

Ryle: and last you guys are infected like me

Delirious: yes an- wait what

Basically: your infected

Ryle pulls off his gloves and show the group his hands but they have green pimples and green vanes. The group were freaked out about it and are scare to get one soon.

Vanoss: is that what the infection is

Ryle: yes it is

Terroriser: so it's not corona

Ryle: the what

Nogla: you don't know what corona is

Ryle: not a virus I ever heard nor what my earth has went through

Nogla: ok

Wildcat: so what is this virus we have

Ryle: the kharaa virus

Nogla: the koraar

Ryle: no kharaa and it a virus we all have

Vanoss: do you know where it came from

Ryle: hmmm it's best if you follow me

Wildcat: follow you where

Ryle: just come with me oh and let give ya ultra high capacity tank

Vanoss: ultra high capacity tank

Ryle: did ya learn it

They all look at each for a second and looks back.

Vanoss: no we didn't

Ryle: well to help ya it was easy to find it's in the wrecks by the blood kelp biome

Vanoss: well noted

Ryle went to a lockers and pulled out 6 ultra high capacity tank just in case there was more survivors out there. He gave them all the tanks and ask them to follow him. They exit the base as they follow ryle to where they are going. In the back of ryle base was a path that leads to an area where a giant precursor structure but was completely damage.

Team 6 of 4546B ( subnautica x vanoss crew )Where stories live. Discover now