mushroom forest

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2 days have pass since team 6 were in the planet they are slowly getting use too. They found a way to eat and drink from the fabricator which they need those alien fish and the purple balloon fish. Sure it was disgusting on what they are eating but the fabricator removes things from the fish itself. For the purple one it makes water from them to drink some how tho.

The base had things they have and need for survival. They also need to be careful when they expand the place as the weight of the base will damage the entire hull which could flood. Wildcat look at the habitat builder see how to strengthen the base and found out that they need a reinforced to strength the hull.

Wildcat saw that it need titanium and lithium which is a type of mineral they have never found. They will not expand the base until they find were lithium can be found. Before wildcat goes out vanoss came in the base with things for the team to scan.

Vanoss: hey guys got something

Wildcat: cool what you got

Vanoss: i found these parts from a crate in kelp area

Wildcat: ok so what is it did you scan it

Vanoss: no i didn't bring a scanner with me

Wildcat: ok hold on TERRORISER

Terroriser here wildcat shouting his name as he ran to them. He showed up so see wildcat and vanoss who is holding his bag with some new blueprint parts.

Terroriser: you called

Wildcat: yes vanoss has something new for us so can you scan it

Terroriser: ok but what's the magic world

Wildcat: really

Terroriser: say it

Wildcat: huh please scan it

Terroriser: there you go

Terroriser scan the parts vanoss has in the bag and once its done scanning he was surprised on what it was.

Wildcat: well what is it

Vanoss: ya

Terroriser: it said 1 out of 3 parts for a mobile vehicle bay

Wildcat: wait did you say vehicle

Terroriser: ya mobile vehicle bay

Vanoss: like as an we can make vehicle's

Terroriser: um yes

Wildcat: scan the rest

Terroriser scan the rest of the parts as he learned the mobile vehicle bay for all of the team.

Terrorisers PDA: new blueprint acquire, the mobile vehicle bay will allow you to construct vehicle and submarines for faster transportation, be sure to find vehicle fragments in order to make them

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Terrorisers PDA: new blueprint acquire, the mobile vehicle bay will allow you to construct vehicle and submarines for faster transportation, be sure to find vehicle fragments in order to make them

Team 6 of 4546B ( subnautica x vanoss crew )Where stories live. Discover now