Ocean adventure, part 2

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Delirious PDA: scan show that live is diverse on this creature and many resources on it

The group were surprised by the fact the a creature that carrie's resources on its back which mean that it may have what the group needs. The group saw the reefback that is still there swimming buy and delirious and Terroriser were about to get those resources. The two got to the bottom deck and were switching into there diving gear and started heading out.

Once outside Terroriser and delirious were swimming to it and searching the reefback for anything good ot may have. Delirious pda said its in some sort of barnacles it has. That's when he spot something glowing next to some algae and a fan type plant. It was the barnacle and Terroriser was breaking it over and over until it finally breaks. As he picked up the resource his pda spoke.

Terroriser PDA: copper is an essential component of all powered equipment your possibility of survival a has just been increase

Terroriser now knows that this was copper and apparently it is use to make electronics or anything power base.

Delirious was breaking a barnacle and he to found copper. The two saw no more barnacles on the reefback and started heading back to the cyclops. They would scan the life on this creature but they don't have the time.

The two now in the cyclops and are now with the group again. The 4 were wondering what they found.

Wildcat: so what did you guys found

Terroriser: we found copper on the reefbacks

Basically: copper

Delirious: ya copper

Vanoss: like the stuff they use for electricity

Terroriser: uh ya

Wildcat: cool so what could we make with it

Terroriser: i don't know yet but will see

The group were good about it but they only have two coppers which is only enough for something. The group didn't think right now and continue on there move.

As vanoss was driving the sub he can see many sea creatures swimming around the ocean and a particular new area. This area had red grass like plants with a towering rock formations. Vanoss notice a couple of rocks floating around the those formations with strange pink spots on them.

Delirious saw this area and his pda started talking to him.

Delirious PDA: short range scans suggest this biome supports extension
Biodiversity, and connects to number of small cave network

Vanoss here what delirious pda said but was more focused on the destination they are going. Vanoss than saw the next area that was all kelp. This biome was all kelp and is hard to see what's in front of him with all of those giant plants. Vanoss couldn't swore he saw some big creature among the kelp but didn't see what it was.

Vanoss saw on the hud that they are near but once he looked up the he was out of the kelp and saw that the water level were going shallow as vanoss stopped the cyclops at the shallow area before they crash into a hill. The group once again fell to the ground as they were now wondering why vanoss stopped.

Wildcat: did you really have to do that again

Vanoss: hay at least look outside so you can see why i stopped

Vanoss push the fan button.

Cyclops: engine powering off

Wildcat and the others look outside of the sub and see a hill that vanoss almost hit.

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