lost river excavation

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The group are in the main room with ryle going to explain about the things they need to go deeper.

Ryle: alright so before we go deeper we need to gather a lot of resources this biome has to offer

Wildcat: uh what do we need

Ryle: food, water, minerals, and others

Vanoss: so what are we doing

Ryle: we need to upgrade cyclops depth module in order to go 1700 meter deep

Terroriser: got that idea

Ryle: we need to make couple of batteries for are tools

Basically: I'm on it

Ryle: oh we all need to where reinforce dive suits because where we are going it's going to be hot as hell

Vanoss: me and tyler can help with that

Ryle: good and now I need someone to scout

Delirious: I will since I like to explore

Ryle: now anything else

They all though of something to say but couldn't figure it out. But than wildcat though of one.

Wildcat: wait hold on

Ryle: yes

Wildcat: there is someone in are world who would like to speak to you

Ryle: really pull them up

Wildcat open his pda and began called his friends and those agents back on earth.

Back on earth.

We see four guys sitting on the rock as the area has multiple white tents. The science people here are trying to figure out how the alien teleportor work or how it's powered.

As the four were sitting there are agent sullivan came up to them.

Cartoonz: hay sullivan what's up

Agent sullivan: your friends on the planet are calling

This excite them as they ran to the big vehicle. Inside they can see wildcat on the screen with the others and a person they have never met.

Moo: tyler

Wildcat: hay guys what's going on

Fourzero: nothing really despite the agent's and all these scientist people

Cartoonz: yup

Smii7y: hay who that guy in the back

Ryle walk up the pda to show himself.

Ryle: my name is ryle robinson I'm the survivor of the aurora

Cartoonz: your the survivor are friends were talking about

Ryle: yes I am

Moo: and your going to be the one to help them leave that planet

Ryle: yes but we need to do something first

Agent jack: that question is something your going to tell us

They look to the side to see agent jack and sullivan coming in. They than walk up to the screen to see the their friends and the lone survivor.

Agent sullivan: you must be the survivor

Ryle: yes and you are

Agent sullivan: my name is agent sullivan and this is agent jack

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