the leviathan

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2 days later.

The team 6 had a harsh time learning how to use those seamoth they all crafted but in the end they all learn.

Vanoss made his own habitat builder and with the help of wildcat he and him expanded there team base by adding six moonpools for the seamoth. They now have there own underwater garage for there seamoth to charge that is until they needed more so they just added more solar panels.

The one thing that is missing is the vehicle console so that the team can customize there seamoth But that is still on there list to find it.

Right now the team were making plans to get to the survivor who is below 900 depths. The team were how the survivor got that deep so that they can help the survivor. It took a long thought when the team saw Terroriser coming back with things to scan.

Vanoss: Brian your back

Terroriser: yup and i have news i got something new here

Vanoss: what is it

Terroriser: i don't know but from the looks of it its new

Vanoss: well here use the scanner

Vanoss gives Terroriser a scanner.

Terroriser scan the scraps he found and to his surprise its a new structure for the base.

Terrorisers PDA: new blueprint acquire

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Terrorisers PDA: new blueprint acquire . . . . . . .the scanner room is designed to locate any material with its range and is equipped with camera drones to study any life forms safely, please don't loose them

Terroriser is surprise about a scanner room because this will help locate what they need for the base. Check the ingredients and see that it was simple to make.

Terroriser: ok im going to make this scanner room

Vanoss: cool do you need my habitat builder

Terroriser: yes please

Vanoss handed Terroriser his habitat builder.

Terroriser: thanks

Terroriser walk away so that he can begin making the scanner room. Vanoss walk the opposite to the room seeing what to do next.

With the others nogla was checking his seamoth and talking to it as if it were his biggest prize. He just can't wait to customize his seamoth but was thinking if they can put there youtube channel logo on it.

Basically was seeing if his pda can connect to his phone but couldn't get it to work. It could be that there worlds technology is not advanced then alterra's technology.

1 day earlier wildcat took his seamoth and went back to the island where they first began there journey. He went to where the teleporter in the cave which he find it not on at all nor anyway going back. If they can get to that survivor then he or she can help them get back.

Team 6 of 4546B ( subnautica x vanoss crew )Where stories live. Discover now