The structure part 1

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Team 6 base

The group managed to escape the leviathan attack without harm but of course they lost one seamoth which belong to wildcat.

There now at the base waiting for vanoss to come back but it has been an hours since he was gone. The group grow worry about him being gone this long that is until there pda was ringing.

Wildcat: evan are you ok what happened

Vanoss: ya im ok just lost my seamoth to that damn leviathan

Wildcat: really so did i

Vanoss: oh well sorry

Wildcat: its ok

Terroriser: so evan where are you

Vanoss: im on an island

Delirious: wait the one we came from

Nogla: not sure because the direction he was going wasn't the island

Vanoss: no im on another island

All: wait what

Basically: another island where

Vanoss: on the west side but you guys need to come

Terroriser: why

Vanoss: i found something you all need to see the technology matches that teleporter

Delirious: ok but how do we have your location

Vanoss: sending one now meet me here

Vanoss hung up as there pda was getting his location to him

All pda: signal location uploaded

They all now have his location to the other island but first wildcat needs make his seamoth again while the others were waiting for their seamoth to be charged.

1 minute later.

There seamoth was fully charged and repair as wildcat seamoth was done being made. Thankfully he had just enough to make another one but will soon go out to get more later. They were all now outside waiting for wildcat to show which he did after getting in his seamoth.

Wildcat: ok so we got evans location so let's go see what he found

Delirious: ok

Terroriser: than let's go

They all took off to vanoss location and are about to see what he found

It took an hour for the group to head straight to vanoss until they can a mountain which means another island vanoss said. As they turn they can see vanoss waving his hands getting the whole groups attention as well as the massive structure behind him. They all park in front of the shore by vanoss and exit the vehicles.

Vanoss: ya made it

Wildcat: well ya dude

Delirious: wow what is that

Vanoss: that is something we are going to find out

Terroriser: a big alien building

Vanoss: yes

Wildcat: ok so let's see it

They follow vanoss the structure to see it closer and to find a way inside. When they got closer to tbe place they can see what appears to be the main entrance to the structure but looks to be blocked by a green energy shield.

Vanoss: this must be the entrance

Nogla: cool so how do we get in there is a force field in the way

Team 6 of 4546B ( subnautica x vanoss crew )Where stories live. Discover now