the agent's

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Back on earth.

As the four were there the police arrived at the alien structure tho none of them can't even explain the discovery they made. All of the police were examining it while some were investigating the area of the cave seeing what else they could find. The police officers were asking questions to the guys who found it as they there answer back to them. Each question started out simple to them but the answers were getting confusing to the police officers since they don't understand.

Officer 1: ok so let me get this straight your other friends discovered this thing before ya

Cartoonz: yes

Officer 2: and they disappear from this area by unknown reason

Fourzero: yes

Officer 1: look im not sure we can help on this investigation

Cartoonz: what why

Officer 1: look this discovery is real nice but us understanding this is way beyond are knowledge

Moo: well that makes sense

Officer 2: do you have any evidence of your friends disappearing

Smi77y showed them a shoe.

Smi77y: this shoe we found in the middle of that structure

Officer 1: anything else

Cartoonz: that's it

Officer 2: well ok so what we are going to do is we are going to ask the government about this and see what they can do

Officer 1: you four should step outside and wait until we call you back ok

Cartoonz: ya sounds good

The four were walking out of the cave as the outside were multiple cops setting up the area for tho not to come except the ones you discovered it. As the four were walking up the lake moo snuckel phone started rings.

Moo: oh sorry probably my wife

Cartoonz: oh ok

Moo saw his phone in he was surprised to who it was.

Moo: its not my wife

Fourzero: what then who is it

Moo: its evan

All of them were in shock to see who's calling.

Cartoonz: well answer it

Moo answered the call and put it on speaker.

Moo: hello

Vanoss: brock

Moo: evan is this you calling

Vanoss: ya its me

Cartoonz: are ya ok where are the others

Wildcat: right here

Terroriser: me to

Nogla: tally ho

Basically: sup

Fourzero: there ok

Cartoonz: where is del

They stop talking from that question until vanoss spoke.

Vanoss: he's not here

Moo: what where is he

Vanoss: it's complicated

Cartoonz: the fuck do you mean its complicated

Wildcat: look its complicated because of where we are

Team 6 of 4546B ( subnautica x vanoss crew )Where stories live. Discover now