camping and discovery

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It was an evening day as a red van was driving in the middle of the woods. The van was carrying 6 people with many camp equipment and some food.

The van was near its destination as the pull up on a spot of the woods. The spot had a good open area for the sun and a nice lake in the distend of the van. A table that is next to a BBQ grill and of course an out house restroom.

The first out of the van was a young adult male warring blue jean a red shirt underneath a jacket with an out logo on it and comfortable shoes. His name was evan or in his YouTube channel vanoss. He was the one driving the van with his friends and the location there are in.

Next to come out was in the passenger seat was another adult who is warring a white t-shirt a brown short and some nike shoes. His name is Tyler or wildcat in his YouTube.

Vanoss open the side of the van to revealed five more of his friends. The third was warring a green shirt and a gray jacket or it. He had blue pants and and a grey shoes. His name was david or in YouTube is nogla.

The fourth was warring black jacket a grey shirt underneath and had brown hair. Grey pants and black shoes but what stood the most was his shirt had a big T on it. His name was brian or terroriser. Brian also made an Arnold voice impression as he got out of the van for fun.

The fifth was warring a blue jacket a black shirt underneath and black pants with blue shoes. He was also warring a hockey mask for one reason. His name was Jonathan or h20 delirious who is the one who always hides his face. He decided to join vanoss and his friends on a camping trip as long as his face remains hidden.

And the sixth was in a black pullover with a word ( basically do work ) with gray pants and a gray shoes. His name is Marcel or in YouTube is basicallyidowrk in his channel.

They all got out was well as the camp equipment as they all stood next to each other staring at the lake and the sun.

Vanoss: ok gentlemen lets begin.

With that vanoss and his friends started setting up the camping in the area. After setting up the tents they vanoss, nogla, and delirious change to there swimming suit and went swimming in the lake. Wildcat and basically were making some burgers for everyone. Terroriser was sitting on a bench looking on his phone to check his YouTube channel. They spent most of 12 hours of fun and eating the food wildcat and basically made.

It was night time and the sky was full of star's and the light of the moon. The crew were at the campfire talking about there experience in the camp.

Vanoss: this is fun huh guys

Wildcat: yup it is man

Nogla: the lake was fresh tho cold at first but nice

Delirious: hey Marcel thanks for cooking

Basically: thanks man

Wildcat: hey i help cooking

Delirious: oh right thanks

Terroriser: so other than that everything went great

Vanoss: yup

Wildcat: hay you know what this should be if we ever vlog

Vanoss: what?

Wildcat: team 6 camping

Terroriser: ha nice wildcat that's good

Wildcat: ya

Delirious: well its getting late we should head to bed

Basically: i agree

Team 6 of 4546B ( subnautica x vanoss crew )Where stories live. Discover now