forgotten pod

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The group heard what basically called them for and its because of his discovery of what he found. The group found basically on the surface as they swam up to him.

Vanoss: you called

Delirious: ya what did you find

Basically pointed the direction for the group to see. They all look to find a pod floating up in the water. The group congrats on basically for what he found.

Vanoss: you really found that

Basically: yup i found it

Nogla: that's great man

Wildcat: yup i agree

Terroriser: its cool but there is one thing

Basically: and that is

Terroriser: who does it belong to

They all wonder the same thought if this pod is out in the open who could it belong to. Could there be other survivors in this world or not. The group than decided to swim up to the pod to see if anyone was in it or anything it can be useful to them.

When they approach the pod they noticed there was a hatch on the top and a ladder. The size of the pod is small so one of the group need to know who is going in.

Vanoss: ok so since this pod looks small me and Tyler will go in while you guys keep watch

All: ok

With that wildcat and vanoss were going in the pod as the 4 group were keeping watch for something or someone. As the two were in the pod they see was they have ever seen. The pod had a chair attached to the wall, a device of some sort, a small box with a health symbol on it, a radio on the wall, and a screen with every status on the planet.

Wildcat and vanoss were amazed about all this stuff but they need a scanner for all of this.

Wildcat: we need a scanner for this

Vanoss: ya your right

Vanoss exit the pod to get the scanner from delirious while wildcat looks around the pod. Wildcat than noticed the bench of the pod was slightly open exposing something blue. He open it and found that it was a pda in the bench with was a storage. As wildcat picked it up he saw a note written on the pda and read what the note said.

Note: "to anyone who finds this pda i have left it for you since i had it restarted, if you wish to find me go to the depths of 900 i am there"

Wildcat was now in thoughts of who this was, a person who left this pda for anyone who needs it. Plus they are not alone at all which mean there is someone here but at a depth of 900 that is deep. Wildcat exit his thoughts when vanoss came back in with the scanner in hand.

Vanoss: yo got the scanner

Wildcat: good man

Vanoss: hay you found a pda nice

Wildcat: ya and this note

Vanoss: a note from who

Wildcat: a survivor that is here

Vanoss: really did it say where he's at

Wildcat: well kinda

Vanoss: what do you mean

Wildcat: it said he's at a depth of 900

Vanoss: 900 deep how is he that deep

Wildcat: i don't he's probably ahead of us

Vanoss: ok let's get scanning and return before sundown

Wildcat: ok but before anything here you go

Team 6 of 4546B ( subnautica x vanoss crew )Where stories live. Discover now