survivor of the lost

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At the entrance of the giant cave are two cyclops who made it out of the nuclear explosion however there are some minor damage to the cyclops. In the first one was vanoss and the other two who are fixing the hull of the ship. From their thoughts they are upset from that leviathan destroying their base and all the resources they had. Now they now have little bits of resources left and they lost the seamoth well it was nogla since it was green.

Wildcat: FUUUUCK man all that work we did is gone and we have little resources left

Nogla: and my seamoth is gone

Vanoss: everything is lost

Wildcat: so now what

Vanoss: well nothing yet but check on the others

Wildcat: well alright

Wildcat pull out his pda and call the others from their cyclops to check on them.

Wildcat: hay guys how it hanging

Terroriser: bad we lost everything

Wildcat: I know I know we did but we're alive

Basically: ya but some of are tools are destroyed

Wildcat: oh well uh sorry

Delirious: so now what do we return up to the surface

Wildcat: well we could but-

Wildcat was cut off when the call change to some unknown person they aren't sure who it is.

Wildcat: what the hell

Delirious: tyler what's going on

Wildcat: oh uh nothing will call you guys back

Wildcat hangs up.

Wildcat: guys come over here and look

Vanoss: who is it

Wildcat: I don't know

Nogla: well answer it

Wildcat answer the call.

???: Hello anyone there

Vanoss: uh yes we are here

???: Oh thank god uh were you guy the one who cause the explosion

Wildcat: um if anything yes but it's from the leviathan

???: Oh ok

Nogla: are you the survivor

???: Yes yes I am

Wildcat: it's about time we spoke

???: Good but first how many are ya

Vanoss: there is six of us

???: Six of ya that's impossible how did ya survive the crash

Wildcat: the crash from what the aurora

???: Uh yes

They don't know how to explain to the survivor of how they got here so they try there best to tell.

Vanoss: well we didn't

???: Ya didn't survive and yet your alive

Nogla: no it's not that

Wildcat: what we mean is we aren't from the aurora nor survive the crash

???: What i i'm confused

Vanoss: look will explain everything just tell us where you are

???: Well you are near my signal so i'll send my coordinate

Team 6 of 4546B ( subnautica x vanoss crew )Where stories live. Discover now