The aurora

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Earth location: cave

2 hour have pass since the four of them admire the alien looking arch and were now questioning if their friends have gone somewhere. Smii7y was examining the alien structure and the only thing he got was it looks to be a teleporter or something he wasn't sure tho. Fourzero took thr shoe from the middle and saw that it belongs to nogla. Cartoonz was seeing the architecture of it and sees that there is no history on it or anything related to the native tribe. Moo also know that its technology looks to be way beyond there mind or anyone who find it.

Cartoonz: this is crazy man i mean where are they

Smi77y: you think they disappear

Moo: well we don't know

Fourzero: well what happened to them and why is this thing in a cave

Moo: you think they found this and now there gone

Cartoonz: but where tho

Moo: i don't know

Fourzero: so what now

Smi77y: i say we should call the cops

They all looked at him.

Moo: what why

Smi77y: it are option to tell them

Cartoonz: tell them what that there an alien thing here

Fourzero: we might get locked up

Smi77y: but its right here come on guys they will see it what choice do we have

The all were lost in thoughts as tho they can't even comprehend on what happened to their friends or what they found. They were lost and couldn't find ways to get answer or anything. The only thing they could do is to call the police for this and see what they can do even tho this is crazy to tell about there discovery.

Moo: where are you guys

BACK ON PLANET 4546B, location: team 6 base.

The group were preparing for there next exploration which is to go to the aurora and salvage what they find. The group were getting thing ready while terroriser was getting rid of those small red angler fish looking. Terroriser killed one as the others flee from bim which he scan the dead one.

Terroriser PDA: scan complete. A biter is a small vicious pack-hunting predator that is 94% muscle, 4% connection tissue, 2% brain, and is  Indiscriminate when hungry. Almost always hungry. Its is advised to keep an eye out for them as they work together to bite its prey. Killing one or more will cause them to flee from the area.

While terroriser was hearing this the group inside the base got what they need for there exploring the ship. Wildcat place the box with the red 'X' on it in his room and will open it later when he comes back. In the main room were the other with some equipment they crafted. 3 extinguisher for each of the team, 2 propulsion cannon for delirious and basically, some survival knife for those who didn't own one, 5 food and drinks for the team as they explore, 4 batteries for each of them, and some flashlights.

They are all present in the room including terroriser who's suit is a bit ripped from those biters he delt with.

Vanoss: ALRIGHT so now we got everything we should be ready right

Delirious: yes we are

Vanoss: see is we can learn what we can find what happened to the ship

Wildcat: yes

Vanoss: and hope what new technology we can salvage for are survival

Basically: correct

Terroriser: wait before we you should go build your seamoth

Team 6 of 4546B ( subnautica x vanoss crew )Where stories live. Discover now