Rooftops and Friendships (R.K)

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Reki Kyan loved skating. He was always doing something that involved skating at any hour of the day, he loved talking about it and always got the excited sparkle in his eyes when someone showed even the slightest interest in what he was cooking up.

You always wondered how someone could be so passionate about something.

Every day at lunch, he'd practice skating on the roof or behind the school. Every day after school he was at the local skatepark, muttering quiet curses whenever he couldn't land a trick properly. Every day during class, he's drawing in his notebook, finding different ways to tweak his board.

You almost found his passion endearing. Almost.

At S, he got his ass handed to him on a silver platter after Shadow pulled a dirty, yet allowed, move, arm now in a cast and useless. It doesn't stop him though, he's still incorporating skating in his daily routine, work, school, it was all the same.

He always wondered why you never talked to him.

Was it because he was annoying to you? He's heard you talk to everyone else at least once, so why was he always the one left in the dust?

He sees you every day, sitting on the roof near the generators. Sees you sitting in the field beside the skatepark playing with the stray cats. He watches you scribble aimlessly in that notebook of yours and he always wondered if you were actually writing notes down. He even sees you at S, black and red track jacket hanging off your shoulders but, he never saw a deck in your hand.

He's determined to make you his friend.

He starts on the roof, quietly sitting beside you. He doesn't talk though, he won't say anything till you do and it's almost painful for him, keeping quiet for so long.


He jolts, turning his head towards you. "Yeah?"

"How much do you love skating?"

He lets out a breath, expecting a much more complicated question from you. "Well I don't think I can put an exact number on it, maybe..." he spread his arms out as far as he could, "this much?" A laugh spills from your lips and you have to wave your hand to apologize. He pouts, arms crossing against his chest. "What about you? I always see you around the skatepark and S but I never see you skate."

Humming you lift your head, "I lost a beef against Shadow, like yours he burned it. I got disheartened and never bothered to get a new one."

Something picks at his heartstrings at the sound of your defeated tone, the way your eyes trail to the skateboard beside him before snapping back forward.

"I'll make you one."

Your head turns quickly to him, watching as he pushed himself off the ground. "What?"

"I'll make you one, a new board. We can skate together from now on, yeah?" He said, an excited smile on his face. "And don't think I won't challenge you to a beef, I wanna see what the real (Name) can do."

His hand outstretched to you, a small chuckle escaping as you took his hand, a grunt leaving him when he lifted you, and a low laugh when he pulled you to his chest.

"I won't lose to you, Reki Kyan."

A glance at your smirk sent a blush to his face, a laugh covering his flustered expression. "And I won't lose to you, (Name)."

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