First Kiss (pt.1 maybe)

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Your first kiss with him was an accident. He hadn't meant to kiss you in the beginning. His lips brushed against yours just the slightest, but it still left his heart aching for more than just a simple graze.

You'd tilted your head up simultaneously as him, eyes locked as they touched. Neither of you moved away, seemingly stuck in that position. He mutters a quiet "Sorry." When he pulls back, looking at you through hooded eyes.

"Can I," he swallows his words when you look at him, ignoring the rush of heat to his face when you do. "Can we do that again?"

You bite back a laugh before nodding.


He'd planned it. The moment he asked you to race against him the bet of, "Kiss me if I win." Fell from his lips like a prophecy.

Lo and behold, Langa finds himself slumped over like a fool. He'd lost. When you make your way toward him, he straightens out like it didn't mean anything to him. Like you should be upset you didn't lose.

He feels his cheeks heat up when you kiss the corner of his mouth unexpectedly. Lips parted from shock, heart beating rapidly in his chest when you smile at him.


It was unexpected. When it happened, he assumed it was because the worry and the sterile hospital smell clouded your judgment. Definitely not because you were in love with him.

Your hands were holding his cheeks softly, thumbs caressing the apples of his cheeks. A metallic taste filled his mouth when his tongue grazed your lip, you were chewing on it when you arrived.

And when you stumble back, he catches your wrist. Hushing you when you start apologizing, telling you that it was fine. That he was okay with you kissing him, so long as you were.


It was long overdue. Through years of pining, back and forth bantering, and bickering. What was once thought to be one-sided love from both sides was something long overdue.

He was frantic, a characteristic rarely paired with Kaoru. His teeth had hit yours, nimble fingers had dug into the skin of your cheeks. It was desperate.

"Sorry," he whispers, a slight rasp in his voice. "Sorry, I didn't hurt you did I?"

You shake your head no and move to catch his lips again.

A/n: I didn't have any ideas for Kojiro and Oka so they'll be the part two 🤷

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A/n: I didn't have any ideas for Kojiro and Oka so they'll be the part two 🤷

Last updated in June ???  Crazy.

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