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I haven't updated in nearly a month! So sorry about that, seriously. But anyways, I just wanted to come here and talk about a few things with you lot.

Recently I'm sure you've noticed the slowing of updates on this and especially Loverboy, and that's on my part I suppose since I haven't really found myself happily writing for sk8 these past months.

But don't worry! I'm sure with a few rewatches and diving further into fics, I'll fall in love all over again!

Now I know some of you don't read Loverboy but to the few who do, I'm terribly sorry about how long it's taking! I'd fully expected myself to continue on a writing high and finish it before the year ended but I guess burn out caught up to me too quickly. But I'm not ending it at all, just setting the pace a bit faster maybe.

Now I'm gonna talk about comments for a few!

I've said this before and I'll say it again, i read every comment! I really appreciate each and every single one because they really make my day (I've almost never gotten a negative one.)

Also, really cool that some of you relate to the whole fireworks thing, I used to like them as a kid but overtime my hearing got too sensitive and it no longer was fun for me. So it's nice to have folks who relate to that.

And to the folks who helped with the coming out headcanons! I really appreciate you educating me on the ace spec because I'm still questioning my own identity at the moment and seeing those really helps! And I think I'd initially wanted to headcanon him as aro/ace but that man is GAY canonically (?) But still still, I think I just wanted him to not be attracted to anyone at all (hence aro/ace) since I'm pretty sure in that headcanon it wasn't a romantic pairing, I forgot.

Next thing is just some ideas I had about interacting more to be more connected to you lot in a totally normal way.

I've been thinking of streaming for a while but I don't have a proper set up, let alone a microphone, but it's still a big thing in my mind.

Now what I intend to do with streaming and connecting is just literally opening up stream, and just chatting with you lot. I also wanted to watch some things (discord watch party that never happened) play a game or something and maybe write stuff on stream with you all!?

It's all just a thought right now, I'll ask a friend how to set up stream and do a test one before I actually do it! (If I choose to do it)

Anyways I think that's all for now, I'm thinking of cross-posting stuff for another fandom onto here but still contemplating on that so yeah! Guess we'll see.

As always, love you all a crap ton and I'll see you later!

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