the mandatory christmas episode

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a/n: okay if you read loverboy too but came here first, it's the same thing. i realized some people read loverboy and not this book and yeah-

warnings: empty threats... that's it, i think.

'Last Christmas' blasted through the speakers of the skating rink, a place you only ended up at because Reki had insisted on doing something else for once

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'Last Christmas' blasted through the speakers of the skating rink, a place you only ended up at because Reki had insisted on doing something else for once.

Somehow, Kaoru had managed to rent out the entire place, and Kojiro decided to make it a Christmas party but only with family.

Now you stand at the edge of the rink, gripping onto the chilled wall desperately in hopes it'll keep you standing. Your grandmother is standing on the other side of the wall, an amused smile pulling at her lips as she stared at you.

"Let go of the wall," she chuckled, patting your hands aggressively. "You've skated down hills that were meters high but can't ice skate?"

"This is different!" You yelled out, wanting to sink to your knees.

"It's a leveled area."

"A leveled area of death." You muttered, shuffling to the small opening beside you.

Reki watched from the other side of the rink, a lopsided grin on his face when he saw you lay flat across the bench in defeat. His little sister tugged at his hand, pulling him in your direction,


you lifted your head at the small voice, watching nanaka slowly glide towards you. "come skate with us!" she cheers, walking over to pull your hands.

"ah, nanaka im not the good at ice skating." you admit, letting her take you to the barrier. "but look at you go! you're a natural."

she pouts, tugging your hand again. "big brother will hold your hand so you don't fall, right?"

you laughed nervously as you look over at him, his eyes wide before he rubbed his neck. "um, Reki if it's okay?" you ask slowly, holding your hand out.

"oh! oh, yeah no it's okay with me." he said, an evident blush on his face when he held onto your hand. "sorry if i let you fall."

"no worries," you mumble, "i'll just bring you down with me," you add with a laugh, grasping onto him when you slid.

reki side-eyed you before looking forward, "so you really do suck at ice-skating."

"wow, thanks."

letting out a loud laugh, he skids to a stop, resting a hand on your waist to keep you upright. "i didn't mean it like that. i just never expected someone like you to not have a natural talent for everything."

"do you really think of me that way?" you ask, tilting your head to the side. "you've only ever seen me skate, nothing else."

he shakes his head. "academics," you open your mouth to oppose, reki pinching your cheek to stop you. "i mean it. even if you don't believe it, you're incredibly smart and well- if you hadn't helped me and langa with our maths work we would've been stuck with mounds of schoolwork."

you grumbled under your breath, reki laughing again. "i know my way of wording things is pretty crappy but i really do think you're great at everything. you even got my sister's approval within minutes of knowing them."

"that's not really a talent." you frown. "i get your point reki, at least, i kind of do. and thank you seriously."

he nods, the air around you two turning awkward instead of the usual comfort. he glances all around and tries to find words to say before a voice speaks up behind him.

"hey lovebirds, look up."

you and reki glanced at each other before looking up, a grimace coming onto your face before you turned to the culprit.

"kojiro you incomprehensible, irritating, insufferable, oaf!" you scolded, "if i could move in these things i would drive them into your skull."

he laughed, "what's with the insults? you know the tradition y/n, you two have to kiss now.

"that's just some peer-pressuring bullshit!" you whispered, hoping reki's sisters didn't hear you.

you two bickered for the next minute, an amusing sight to see because you're basically hanging off of reki as you spew multiple threats and insults to the taller man in front of you.

you froze when you felt something against your cheek, a cheeky grin coming onto kojiro's face before he slid away. turning your head towards reki, mouth falling open, you narrowed your eyes.

"you just kissed my cheek."

he grins sheepishly, "don't kill me?"

"i'll let it slide," you reply, reaching up to pull his headband over his eyes, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek. "returning the favor."

a/n: sorry for lack of updates! cant even blame it on school cause i'm slacking in that too hahaaaa ha

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a/n: sorry for lack of updates! cant even blame it on school cause i'm slacking in that too hahaaaa ha. but it's fine everything's fine it's good i'm working on it.

mmm, and if you had a request sorry for taking so long ... i will get to it eventually!!

i saw spiderman too... man it was so good yall watch it. the score made me ascend to higher earth. don't put spoilers in comments

happy holidays :]
(realm members i put a crappy tree at spawn)

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