Kisses (R.K)

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I wrote this at 2am because apparently that's the only time my brain will let me write. (It's 2:48am as I post this, goodnight!)

Established relationship! There's a mention of a hickey near the mid-end.

Established relationship! There's a mention of a hickey near the mid-end

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"Just one more." He pouted, holding onto your wrist gently.

"You said that seventeen times ago," You smile down at him, locking your fingers with his. "Any more and I'll be here the whole night, Reki."

He grins up at you, tugging you forward- your head nearly bumping against his. "That wouldn't be a bad thing would it?" He asks, moving one of his hands to your shoulder.

"Of course not," you mumble, leaning down- lips ghosting his. "This is the last one for tonight, Reki."

His eyes fluttered shut, "you'll kiss me again when I walk you to the door." His lips lingered on yours for a second longer, though he pulls back and peppers your face with them- leaving goosebumps in their wake, heat trailing your cheeks wherever he leaves them.

A moment later he's laughing uncontrollably, an arm against his abdomen, chest heaving as you blow raspberries against his blushing cheeks. His younger sisters pile in his room at the sound of his laughter, gagging and cooing at the two lovesick teens in front of them, yelling for their mother to take a picture.

His head is against his pillows as he calms himself, palm over his chest to feel the rapid beating of his heart, staring up at you- once again letting a dopey smile cross his lips.

"What're you staring at, pretty boy?" You tease, tapping his cheek.

"Nothing," He says sitting up, hand on your waist. "You ready to go? Or do you want another kiss?"

You shake your head playfully, ruffling his hair, making his headband fall to his neck. "Oh haha, last time I checked you were the one who demanded seventeen more kisses."

"Eighteen, actually."

He giggled when you narrowed your eyes at him, raising his hands in defense as you climbed off of him. His heart stops for a second as you collect your things, you're wearing one of his hoodies- one that he doesn't remember lending you- and he begins to flush at the sight of the purple mark just below the collar.

He hadn't meant to do that, of course. Your hand brushed against his side and made him laugh- though he definitely didn't mind leaving one, even if it was unintentional.

He walks you to the door, his sisters trailing behind him, eagerly talking about the next time you'll be over- squealing about playing together.

He sputters when you walk out the door without a second glance, unconsciously snatching your wrist before you could get out the gate.

"What's wrong, Reki?"

He looks down, a sheepish smile making its way to his face. "Goodbye kiss?" He pouts at your laugh, shoulders slumping as he lets go.

"Aw don't get all pouty," you coo, clasping a hand on his shoulder. "Come here."

He thinks it's funny how eager he is to fall into your arms, melting into you when your hand cradles his face, pressing the lightest kiss to his lips.

It's a delicate touch but, it leaves his lips hot to the touch, and his mind foggy.

"I'll see you tomorrow, reki." You say, pinching his cheek.

All he can do in his state of euphoria is nod, two fingers pressing against his lips as he stared at the ground- thinking about the kiss you just gave him.

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