I Wanna Kiss You (R.K)

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A/n (please read!); Reader is referred to as a guy in the end! If that bothers you (for whatever reason it may be) I apologize!

A/n (please read!); Reader is referred to as a guy in the end! If that bothers you (for whatever reason it may be) I apologize!

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"I wanna kiss you," Reki says, looking down at you with a dazed expression. He looks out of it, whether it was the lack of sleep, or the mounds of sugar he ate minutes ago catching up to him— Reki Kyan is saying what's been on his mind like a drunk man speaking sober thoughts. "Play with your hair, show you off, kiss you."

"Reki, what are going on about?" You ask, chuckling nervously when he falls in bed beside you, still keeping a distance.

"Wanna kiss you." His eyes grew teary when he looked at you, hopelessness or fear, he's sure it's one of them. Maybe even both.

"Do you like me Reki?" You ask carefully, stretching your fingers toward him.

"I love you." He answers, linking his fingers with yours. "I'm in love with you."

Humming, a soft smile makes its way to your lips, "Then it's alright."

If he weren't so desperate to kiss you, he would've been embarrassed about practically pouncing on you. But he supposed that was a thing for another day.

Why did he wait so long to kiss you? The way his body fit against yours, how his lips slotted perfectly with yours, and the giggles that escaped your lips when he leaned forward for more, was music to his ears.

He only pulls away when you tap his chest, a heavy blush on his face when he looks at your grin. "What?" He mumbled, hiding his face in your shoulder.

"Didn't know you were into guys."

He doesn't see your face but he knows you've got a smug grin now, "Shuddup." He muttered, wrapping his arms around your waist. "Y/n?" You hum, fingers carding through his hair. "Let me take you out on a date."


A/n; yall I rewrote this like seven thousand times (3-4) I was so frustrated because I couldn't word it right and just forgot what English was in all

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A/n; yall I rewrote this like seven thousand times (3-4) I was so frustrated because I couldn't word it right and just forgot what English was in all. But i listened to 'I Want to Kiss You' by The Spook School and bam!

Anyways, I know it isn't much and it's just saying "Into guys" but it's a small step to writing more male readers.

Also, the two folks that have requested, I still have them, I still think of them, and I will still work on them! Take it like a commission, i may post other things but that doesn't mean I'm not working on your request.

Now for off topic shenanigans >:] I have downloaded obs and Streamlabs to my laptop, and am gonna do a few test run streams before I get to actually doing some... if I do. And yes, this is completely irrelevant! But I still wanna do things I promised before when I talked about interacting with you lot. (The mc realm, watchparty sleepover thing, and like writing a fic in real time.) Though! If I do, do these things, they will happen at 12-1 borderline 2am pst. (3-4am est, 3pm Philippines, 7am London, 8am Amsterdam, 2pm Bangkok. etc etc.) it's just a time where I'm alone.

Mmmm... I think that's all I have to talk about.. so bye bye!!

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