Valentine's Day łøver

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Lilli's POV
Hi, my name is Lilli. I have a boyfriend named Mattia. He's pretty huge on social media like TikTok and Twitter. We also are Hispanic well half I should say. He's Italian and Mexican while I'm Mexican and American. Anyways today is the big day for people to show people they love appreciation and affection. In short terms give gifts and love. So I went out to stores and malls to get Mattia all sorts of stuff. I probably spent around 2-3,000 dollars while he was at work. Don't worry though it's stuff that he'll love like I got him more sweatshirts, candy of course, shoes, and a hotel room suite. I hope tonight me and him can try for kids because we've been together for four years and I honestly think we're ready. So I'm currently getting everything settled like a box that has the candy with chocolate and pictures of us. Along with the clothes laying on the bed at the hotel suite. So now I'm going to call Mattia and see when he's going to come home.
Phone Call...
Lilli- Hey babe how's work going right now?
Mattia- It's going fine Lilli. What do you want now?
Lilli- I just wanted to ask and see what time you're coming home tonight for Valentine's Day.
Mattia- I'm not coming home tonight bye.
Lilli- I lov-
Call ended
I know what y'all might be thinking. Why are you still with him? He treats you like shit leave him. Well you see I love him too much to do that. I want him to be happy. Although I guess I'll just bring everything home and clean then go to bed.
Mattia's POV
Mattia- Shit Lexi just like that *grunt*
Lexi- Ok-k-ka-y *gag*
Mattia- Almost th-
My love is calling....
*His mind*
What the fuck does she want!!
Answer🟢           Decline🔴
Lilli- Hey babe how's work going right now?
Mattia- It's going fine Lilli. What do you want now?
Lilli- I just wanted to ask and see what time you're coming home tonight for Valentine's Day.
Mattia- I'm not coming home tonight bye.
Lilli- I lov-
Finally I can get back to what was happening.
*2hr later*
Oh shit what's today again. Fuckkkkk it's Valentine's Day oh well I don't give a fuck about her. She's just good for when I want a good fuck that's it.
Lilli's POV
I just heard Mattia come through the door it's like three in the morning. Whatever I'm going to bed.
*bedroom door opens*
Mattia- Hey Lilli wake up.
Lilli- What do you want Mattia.
Mattia- You. I want you.
Lilli- I can't do this right now.
Mattia- What the fuck do you mean about that?!?!
Lilli- I mean I can't keep pretending this is working.
Mattia- Lilli shut the fuck up you know you love me.
Lilli- you're right I do love you like fuck. But you don't show the same to me. Why should I show you love if you don't show me any? Like fuck did you forget what today was? It's fucking Valentine's Day a day where you show people you love that you care about them.
Mattia- Lilli you're fucking dramatic.
Lilli- You know what fuck you. I wanted to try for kids tonight but I don't want any with you. I'll just go find someone else who cares about me. Or someone who FUCKING LOVES ME.
I said with tears streaming down my face.
Mattia- You better shut the fuck up. The only person you're ever going to have kids with is me.
Lilli- See that's where you're wrong bye Mattia. Fuck you.

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