Senior Year

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Lilli's POV

Sadly this is my last year of high school. We start school tomorrow and my boyfriend Mattia is going tomorrow too.  So I decided to drive him to school tomorrow.

*Skip to first day of school*

I got out of bed feeling a bit drowsy and wobbled my way over to the shower. After I got out the shower I put on a off the shoulder romper with a denim jacket. The shoes I wore were white AF1's. I got downstairs said bye to my mom and grabbed my backpack that was all white with North-face and its logo engraved on the side corner. Before I left I texted Mattia that I was on the way to his house. He left me on read. I just ignored it and grabbed my keys to my matte black dodge. Before I got to Mattia's house I decided to stop by Starbucks and get me a coffee and him one too. I ordered a venti Iced coffee with seven pumps of white mocha along with sweet cream but keep it classic(Try it if you would like it's good) I got Mattia just a dragon fruit drink with lemonade. Anyways after my little Starbucks trip I made it to Mattia's house. Oh I also forgot to mention Mattia has started to get noticed a lot on this app called Tiktok. I'm happy for him. I was outside his house waiting for him to come out when I see him.

L-Hey dork get in I say smiling

M-Okay nerd he says giving me a peck while getting into the car

On the way to school we were drinking our drinks and vibing while also talking to each other.  We got to school in less then 15 mins.  When we arrived we hopped out the car and walked in school. What I didn't notice was Mattia started acting different when we got out the car and was walking to the school doors. He didn't hold my hand, he ignored me when his friends appeared like he left me alone, and he didn't it with me at lunch.

*Time skip to three months*

It has been three months. Mattia has only gotten popular from the app and around school. Girls have been flirting with him and he would flirt back. He wouldn't even drive with me to school anymore. He always hangs out with the boys and skips our dates. I remember one time he wanted to go on a movie date and I arrived at the movie's guess what he never showed up. He doesn't text me anymore because he is always busy with the boys and Tiktok. Which I get it Tiktok is technically his job, he needs to upload a lot for his supporters. I just don't feel loved anymore at least by him. I haven't told him yet but my mom and dad have split and honestly that has taken a toll on my life because my dad abuses me now. Mattia doesn't notice because like I said he is always busy but I just want him to be happy and successful in life. 

Today I got out of bed, checked my phone to see if he has texted me. I always do that every morning but again nothing no "Good morning gorgeous," or "Good morning have a good day my love I love you." I just choose to go get a shower and then get ready for school. After I get out the shower I put on a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt because of the bruises and scars I have. After I get done I get out my room and go downstairs to be met with, well yeah you guessed it an angry dad.

*TW if you are sensitive about this topic skip I'm also so sorry if this ever happens to you if you need somebody my messages are open I love y'all"

D-Why are you so worthless he says as he is approaching me I'm slightly shaking afraid he is gonna hit me again.

L-P-p-please g-get b-back a l-little I say stuttering a lot

D-NO YOUR THE REASON YOUR MOM DIVORCED ME I DON'T LOVE YOU LILLI NOBODY DOES he says and he is finally with a feet radiance near me.

Just then I felt myself getting punched to the floor, kicked in the rib-cage, and my whole body being punctured. I feel numb now. Mattia doesn't talk to me anymore maybe nobody loves me anymore. I get of the floor and go to my room to put concealer on my bruises. At last the ones that are noticeable. I drive to school with a now hoodie that is over my head. I feel myself bump into someone I don't know who because my head was down and my hoodie was on.

??-Hey watch where you are going the person says very harshly. Honestly that makes me tear up because my morning has already be rough. Also once I heard that voice I knew it was Mattia . 

L-I-i'm s-sorry I say as tears are going down my face

M-Wait Lilli he says confused

I turn around to leave only to be yanked by my wrist.

I look up not even acknowledging my concealer on my face is ruined from my tears. My bruises are showing.

M-A-a-are y-you okay Lilli who did this he says getting slightly mad but tears coming down his face. I guess from the condition I was in. 

Suddenly I stopped crying, I felt myself go numb and have no emotion what so ever.

L-I'm fine Mattia I say in a monotone voice

M-What happened to you calling me bubs he says his voice low

L-Mattia I don't even think we are in a relationship or at least a proper one you don't even talk to me. You always flirt with girls. You don't give me those sweet good morning texts anymore. You just overall stopped being here for me especially when I needed you the most. I say still with a straight face.

M-A-a-are you breaking up with me? If so please can we fix this we've been together for 3 years and to throw that all away. It's just not worth it. He says rapidly trying to talk. He only does that when he is stressed out or nervous. I slightly feel bad but like I said again I'm numb.

He goes in for a hug I just let him while I'm just standing there still but I wince and I think Mattia saw.

M-Seriously Lilli who did this to you he says with his jaw clenched

L-Mattia it's none of your business anymore I will live okay just leave me alone and go with the boys. Have a good life Mattia and I mean it I will always love you I promise. I say getting out of his grip

L-Oh and one more thing, Mattia find another girlfriend that will love just as much as I do and you do the same I will see you tomorrow I have to go home.(Pretend it's the end of the day already I know it doesn't make sense but oh well)

M- But I won't find nobody that I love like I love you but if you think this is for the best I can't stop you. Also I will try to better myself for you and for us. He says just then I start walking home.

*Skip to when she gets home*

Just as I walk through the door my dad is standing there with his hand on his hips along with him tapping his foot on the ground. He starts walking over to me and I can tell he is drunk because he is stumbling a little bit.

D- Why are you back home I don't like you or love you. Don't you get it you should just die your worthless. Just as he says that I start getting punched and kicked I honestly lost all feelings of everything. I was just sitting there letting it happen. As it's happening I hear a door open and feeling the kicks stop. I hear somebody running to me and telling me to stay awake but suddenly all I see is darkness.


Sad imagines~Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now