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Lilli's POV
I was sitting in me and my boyfriends room upstairs waiting for him to come home. Let me remind you it's 2am. Anyways I was starting to fall asleep my eyes were getting heavy and all. I suddenly hear a door open and close. Just then I walk downstairs and see a very drunk Mattia.
L-Hey baby I said smiling a little and went to give him a hug
M-Hey he said dryly and shrugging off my hug
L-Where were you all night I made dinneri and even waited to watch a movie with you I say
M-I was with the boys ok gosh just stop being so clingy and annoying sheesh I can't keep acting like you don't annoy me I can't take this anymore I'm going to bed he said making his way slowly stumbling a little bit up the stairs
Lilli's thoughts
Is that really what he thinks of my. Ouch. I feel my heart break a little when he said that. I think I'm just gonna sleep on the couch tonight and maybe talk to him about this tomorrow.
*Tomorrow morning*
I slowly wake up with dry tear stains on my cheeks, my hair in a messy bun from tossing and turning all night. I check my phone to read the time 8:30 am Mattia usually leaves for work at 9:30 so I guess I'll make him breakfast and all. I made him eggs, pancakes, sausage, and bread with orange juice and milk. I see him walking down the steps.
L-Hey Mattia I said slightly dry because I'm still hurt over last night
M-Hey baby thanks for the breakfast and is something wrong he said starting to eat his breakfast
L-Actually yes there is I say confidently
M-Well he saying gesturing with his hands to keep going
L-I think we might have to take a break for a little not a breakup just a break
M-W-why did something happen he says slightly panicking
L-I don't know if this is how you really feel but this morning when you came home you said I was clingy and annoying also you couldn't take it anymore
M-Baby I didn't mean that I love your clingy-ness and everything about you I'm sorry I hurt your feeling just p-p-please don't l-leave me he says starting to slowly tear up
L-Ok Mattia only if you promise to come home on time I say
M-Ok I promise but now you have to change my name he says smiling
L-Ok baby I say smiling back
M-Gosh I love you I'm so glad I didn't lose you
L-I love you too Matti

Sad imagines~Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now