"Best friend"pt.2

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Lilli's POV
As the day went on I have been getting stares from people and people telling me to kill myself. Who knew you could go from being best friends with Mattia and people actually tolerating you to they don't like you no more. Mattia hasn't even apologized yet for what he said but who am I to think he is going to. He believes her because he "loves" her and trusts her more than me. I run into Mattia when I was on my way to my car.
L-Oh I'm so so sorry are you ok I said not knowing who it is at first
M-Just get the fuck off me you fucking slut and go kill yourself that's why your parents are never home I now know why because your embarrassing to be around and your honestly a disgusting person
L-I-is t-that what you really t-think of me m-m-mattia is said starting to cry
M-Yeah that's what everybody else thinks too you slut you shut honestly just kill your self
L-o-ok well I love you Mattia until next time I see you I said as a whisper and slowly walking away
I got into my car and was crying so hard the road started getting blurry I couldn't see. I then started swerving until I blacked out.
Mattia's POV
After that conversation I had with Lilli when she bumped into me I honestly felt bad but she made my girlfriend feel like shit so I'm not going to be her friend anymore but the thing that got me is she said "until next time" what does she mean. Oh well I might just be overthinking it. I go up to my girlfriend.
M-Hey baby
Le-Hey she said
??-Yo the messages were fake did you see them some random person said I think their talking about some else
?-Yeah Lilli is too kind to even say that but I feel bad Mattia believed Lena instead of her
???-Yeah worst part is Lena is also cheating on Mattia
That's when I lost it.
M-Lena show me your phone now
Le-What why
I pulled up the messages and I can't believe my eyes.

M-Are you fucking kidding me right now Lena I started to yellLe-What she saidM-You lied to me and made me lose my best fucking friend I say Le-Whatever at least I have you to myselfM-No your just a stuck up bitch get away from me I say as I start ...

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M-Are you fucking kidding me right now Lena I started to yell
Le-What she said
M-You lied to me and made me lose my best fucking friend I say
Le-Whatever at least I have you to myself
M-No your just a stuck up bitch get away from me I say as I start walking away to my car. Just then I get to my house and think about what I've done until I get a phone call from Kairi. Of course I pick it up.
M-What Kairi I'm not in the mood right now
K-You might wanna check the news channel Mattia he said sounding like he was crying
M-Ok bye I said hanging up
I flipped to the news channel to hear.
"A 17 year old girl named Lilli(Ana) Mendez has been found dead on the highway due from a crash when she got hit by a tractor trailer"
No this can't be right Lilli's ok she probably at home right now watching Netflix most likely watching kissing booth or l-love alarm. Just then I received another phone call but from Lilli's mom.
L/m-Hey Mattia I just wanted to say Lilli has unfortunately passed away today due to a tractor trailer she was crying and then she started swerving I just wanted to let you know the funeral will be March 25th i wanted to let you know first because I know how much y'all loved and cared for each other she said sobbing
M-O-o-ok Mrs.Mendez I will attend it and I'm so sorry for your lost she was an amazing and bright soul she will be missed I said slightly crying
L/m-Ok well bye Mattia
M-Bye Mrs.Mendez
*Time Skip to the funeral*
Mattia's POV
I have made it to Lilli's funeral and I haven't been eating or showering or doing anything matter a fact but I did get out of bed just for her. I feel all this guilt in me it's eating me alive. Well I walked in and seen Kairi and them along with Lilli's family and my mom dad and brother. Her family and mine were both sobbing. I walked over to her family and gave them my condolences and hugged them. Then I walked over to her. I seen her skin was pale and her eyes were shut meaning I will never see her blue green eyes shine in the sun anymore. I also won't be able to see her beautiful pearly white smile with her one dimple. I just won't see her be happy anymore or see her in my life again. After everybody seen her in the casket it was time to bury her and everyone went separately again to say one last goodbye.
M-Bye Lilli I will always miss and love you I feel guilty for the way we left off I said whispering as a few tears came down.
Just then a gust of wind blew and I heard her sweet voice one last time
L-Don't feel guilty Tia I'm happy now and it was my time to go I will always love you ok but live your life to the fullest and still be the same goofy and loving person I know you are. Tia I will be looking at you from above. Also remember this Mattia Polibio you were my first love and my last I love you bye Tia then she disappeared into the sunset.
M-You were my first love too Lilli I'm sorry I didn't believe you.
The end

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