The bet

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Third persons POV
It's currently 9:00 in the morning on a cold rainy day. The sky was gray and the bird's weren't chirping. Although there was one teenager who was extremely excited to go to school today. No she was not excited to do work but she was excited to see Mattia her "boyfriend." See the girl was always a shy and insecure girl. She would never talk to nobody she would always focus on school and family. Until one day Mattia changed that she went from a shy insecure girl to a outgoing and confident girl. He truly changed her and for the better. Until today ok this cold,chilly and rainy day that would all change she would change be for the worst.
Lilli's POV
Oh man oh man I'm so excited to go to school today I know it's just a normal day but something about today seems different. I just want to see my boyfriend Mattia. I truly love him before I met him I was also shy and insecure but he has showed me to be myself and don't let nobody bring me down. So I'm getting ready right now and I'm going to wear a blush crop top and high waisted white ripped jeans along with mostly all black air forces 1's but their off white so the have white lettering. I also did a little bit of makeup and wore my necklaces that I always wore which was gold and had a cross along with Guadalupe on another one. I jog downstairs to see my dad talking on the phone so I just gave him a kiss on the cheek and walked out. I drove to Starbucks first because I didn't have breakfast first so I ordered a dragonfruit with lemonade drink. (if you have not tried that you definitely should) Anyways I've made it to school and quickly jogged in because it was raining still. I walked in and see Mattia I go up to him and give him a hug but he just pushes me off huh usually he always hugs back maybe he is just having a bad day.
L-Hey baby I say smiling
M-What do you want he says rolling his eyes
L-Are you ok my love did something happen I say concerned
M-Can you just leave me the fuck alone he says a little to harshly
L-Ok I'm sorry I will see you later I say as a whisper and walk away
Mattia's POV
Today I was getting a ride from the boys today. I have also been dating this girl and she is mad aggy. I'm only dating her for a bet. The bet was if I date her and make her fall in love with me I get paid $150.00. So I said fuck it and decided to agree. I got to know Lilli she is sweet but I don't got time to fall in love I'm only 17. I am currently talking to the boys.
K-Yo Mattia I think you should tell her it's a bet or call it off
Ale-Yeah bro she seems like she has a heart of gold
Rob-Also I heard she was always insecure and stuff but she met you now look at her she is all confident
M-Guys I will just tell her it was all a bet and then leave I don't care what happens to her I say
A-Mhm sure that's what you say now
M-Whatever I don't got time for y'all's bullshit I saying getting out the get and into school.
When I step inside I see Lilli running up to me smiling then I start to think her smile is beautiful. Wait no I can't fall for her.
She started talking to me and I was just acting different and being mean to her but I felt bad because when she left she only said a whisper. I finished first second and third period. I went to the cafeteria because that's what I had next but when I walked in there a video was playing in there on a tv. I was a video of the night I said yes to the bet. Just then Lilli walks in smiling but right when she sees the screen it slowly falls. I feel really bad I know I said I don't like her but truth be told she is an amazing girl. She does not deserve to be heartbroken because of this so I'm hoping when I go up to her she will forgive me and maybe we can date but for real this time not just for a stupid bet.
Ale-What are you doing dumbass go get her
K-Yeah we know you've grown to like her but you keep pushing your feelings aside
M-Ok ok I'm going I said getting up and running
Just the I walk into the girls restroom because that's where she ran off to and I seen something that broke my heart into two....

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