'Perfect Two'

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Lilli's POV

Me and Mattia are known as the 'perfect' couple. Although you look behind all the closed doors and everything. We are broken. Everyone says how they want a relationship like ours. Well our old one. Now me and him don't even say I love you to each other anymore. I remember us talking about getting married me wearing a beautiful dress walking the isle with my dad. Having kids probably two boys and one girl because I do want at least one girl. Living in Italy or travel the world together. All that has changed though we have gone to barely talking to each other. Texting each other. Calling each other. Sending goofy text messages to each other during class making us smile like dummy's. It hurts for me to see our relationship go from goofy and happy to nothing. I'm going to talk to Mattia about our relationship or at least whats left of it. 

I get to the cafeteria and see Mattia and the boys. He looks drained just like I do. Drained of happiness and filled with absolutely emptiness. I walk over to them and tell Mattia to come with me so we can talk. All the boys just ignore us because they are to busy talking. Mattia gets up and walks to the hallway were nobody can see us anymore.

L-Hey Matti I say softly 

M-Hey Lil's ah the little nickname he made for me it makes me smile a little

L- How have you been I say still speaking softly

M-Not the best lately actually I feel really lost he says as he looks down

L-Matti I have a question

M-Yeah he looks up and stares into my eyes

L-Do you think we should still be together Matti look at us we are drained. Were not happy anymore. You know I love you with everything in me but we are tired I say

M- If you think that is what we need then we can Lilli but just know I will try to get my stuff together so we can have a future. I love you and only you.

L- I know Matti I love you too and only you

M- I also have to tell you something he says looking down again

L-Yeah I say

M- I'm moving he says

L-That's fine your probably just moving closer or to a different neighborhood

M-No I'm moving to Italy Lilli

L-W-what I say tearing up

M- Lilli I promise when I see you again we will be better than ever and I will make you my wife I promise. We will have kids a beautiful house. Maybe a dog like you always wanted but I promise  we will be okay. Just don't forget about me he says kissing my forehead

L-I could never forget you Matti just promise you keep your promise.

M-I will well I have to leave tomorrow so bye my princessa

L-Bye Matti I love you

M-I love you too

Sad imagines~Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now