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Lilli's POV

Today is a gloomy yet sunny day at least to me. Me and my boyfriend Mattia have been having a few arguments. One was over a boy who helped me with homework, Mattia thought I was cheating on him. The was also a rumor spread about Mattia cheating on me a few days ago but I think it's false. Although I was walking through the hallways of our high school and people were looking at me while as I was walking. They were also whispering. Huh, that's weird I just ignored it and walked up to Mattia.

L-Hey babe I say

M-What he says very dryly as if he was annoyed

L-Do you want to hang out today after school?

M-Whatev- just as he was about to finish he phone got a text. He smiled and said

M-Actually I have something to do today maybe another day he says walking off without even giving me a hug

I start walking down the hallways to get to class and people are still talking about me. I keep on ignoring them because school is about to end in 40 or so minutes. After school I'm probably just gonna go to the mall and buy some stuff.

*Skip to after school*

I was currently 4:45 school just ended about 5-10 mins or so. I just got out of class because the teacher had to talk to me about something. I got to my car and seen Mattia and the new girl Heather  they got in the car together. Maybe they are just hanging out as friends right. Also the day the rumor started was when she came her but a few days after. That's when Mattia started to not talk to me as much. He stopped giving me kisses. Stopped telling me he loved me. Stopped caring about me as much. Just overall stopped being my boyfriend. Shoot I remember when he was so happy to tell me how he was lucky to date me. How every boy in the school wanted me but he got me. Now every boy in the school wants Heather. I trust Mattia though he wont cheat on me the rumors are all just fake.

I've already been shopping at the mall I currently just got how it's now 6:00pm. I haven't been on my phone at all I go to check it and see so many notifications. All from fanpages of me and Mattia. I check it and my heart broke. Mattia and Heather kissing I guess the rumors aren't fake. I decided to pull up to Mattia's house and see if he is there.

I get to his house and see nobody's car there expect Heather's. I already feel the tears coming but I go up to the porch and knock on the before knowing the sight that I'm about to see kills me. Heather opens the door in Mattia shirt its going down pass her knees. She smiles at me I wonder why does she not know me and Mattia are dating. 

H-Hi can I help you she says smiling

L-Is Mattia here I say slightly smiling at her 

H-Yeah come in I'll go get him she says before running down the stairs

I hear in the distance

H-Babe some girl is here for you she says 'babe' I question

M-Ok baby I will go see who it is just stay up here and watch Netflix or something ok 

He comes upstairs and he see's me.

M- Lill- he starts to say before I interrupt him

L-Don't explain she is beautiful I get it but I was just hoping the Rumors weren't true I say as my eyes were getting glossy

M-I'm sorry Lilli I truly am he says

L-It's ok I'm just going to leave but Mattia act like you don't know me in school. Don't approach me when you see me crying. Don't try to make me laugh. Don't care if I'm getting hurt. Just worry about Heather she is a good person. I'm not apart of your life anymore I'm the past. Leave me in the past. I will always wish the best upon you and your future. Bye Mattia I says leaving with tears falling down my face. Before I left I heard him say.

M-I'm so sorry my love. I will always love you and he starts crying.

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