Senior year pt.2

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Mattia's POV
I can't believe me and Lilli just broke up. We have been together for three years. I know I have been distant towards her but I was not intending to. Just all this social media stuff and everything has been 24/7 non -stop. Also when she walked into school today she looked horrible. When I yelled at her for bumping into me because I thought it was someone else she started crying. Then when she looked up she had bruises all over her face and probably her whole body. I was so heartbroken and furious. What hurt me the most though was when she told me to find someone else to love. I simply can't do that I only see a future with her. After school passed I went to her house to go check up on her and make sure she was ok.
*At Lilli's house*
I walked up to the door and heard a lot of commotion. Like grunts and whimpering. I then peaked through the door and what I'd seen broke me. Lilli getting kicked and punched by her dad. She looked almost lifeless. I quickly pushed him off of her and fought him then went back to her. I seen her eyes starting to close and I was yelling for her to stay awake but it was no use it look like she simply couldn't take the pain anymore. I still didn't give up I took her to the hospital and also called the cops on her dad.
*At the hospital*
N-"Sir please calm down and stop yelling." She says calmly
M-"How are you so calm I have someone here about to die in my arms somebody seek her attention right away." I say
As I said that doctors came and put her on a stretcher taking her to another room.
N-"Sir what's the name of the patient and how old is she?" Another nurse says
M-"Her name is Lilli Mendez and she is 17 years old please please can y'all help her." I say panicking
N-"Sir we will try our best but the police are here to talk to you."
P-"Hello sir what's your name?"
M-"My name is Mattia Polibio."
P-"And may I ask how old you are?"
M-"I am 17 years old."
P-"Ok thank you how what is your relationship with the patient?"
What was my relationship to her I thought to myself.
M-"I-I-I'm her boyfriend." I say still panicking
P-"Well may I ask what happened?" He says jotting things down on his notepad
M-"So I just got out of school and was going to go to her house to talk to her. After I pulled into her driveway I go to her door and hear a lot of commotion. Anyways I open the door and see her dad kicking and punching her with her on the ground looking lifeless. So I go over to them and quickly push him off and grab her I punched him a few time though." I say honestly
P-"Ok young man we will take this down to the station if you have any question contact the station and I hope your girlfriend gets better." He says in a very genuine tone
M-"Thank you sir have a good day." I say smiling slightly
P-"You too." He says and then walks away
*Time Skip to 3 hours*
It's now night time everyone has been calling trying to make sure I'm ok and I let them know but I'm honestly trying to focus on Lilli right now. I haven't gotten any updates yet. Just then a doctor comes out.
D-"People here to see Lilli Mendez" the doctor says and I get out my seat quickly
M-"Yes is she ok? How is she feeling? Can I go see her now?" I say slightly panicking
D-"She is doing fine right now but she is in very critical condition any thing can go wrong at any moment and she can pass away."
M-"Ok can I go see her?"
D-"Yes go to room 207 down the hall to the right."
I quickly make my way to the door and I open to see her connected to all these wires along with bruises all over her. Awww my poor baby I feel so bad for not being there for her when she needed me the most.
M-"Hi baby I don't know if you can hear me but I love you and I'm so sorry I let this happen to you if I could I would take all the pain away. I sorry I ignored you. I'm sorry I'm a horrible boyfriend. Most of all I'm sorry I had to make you question our relationship."I say sobbing
Just then I hear her heart monitor going flat.
M-"N-n-no what's going on?" I say freaking out
Nurse are pulling me back trying to get me out and doctors are trying to get a pulse just then I hear.
D-"Time of death 7:30pm on December,16 2020."
M-"No Lilli please come back you can't leave me yet please." I say sobbing
N-"Sir please get out the room we will contact you when needed."
That's when my whole life fell apart. Senior year was my worst nightmare that was sadly true. I love you forever mi princesa.
The end

Sad imagines~Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now