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Lilli's POV

Here I am heartbroken because I watched the person I love start loving someone else. I feel as if I'm not enough. I feel like I should give up.(TW) I have suffered from overdosing on pills. Mattia was there to help me through it all. Even when I was having with drawl's he helped me out of wanting to pop some more pills. He also told me I was the girl of his dreams and he would never leave me I guess it was all a lie. I feel as if I shouldn't live no more. Let me backtrack you through the days I've seen Mattia slowly falling out of love with me.

March 1

It was a normal period, me and Mattia goofing off as if nobody was around us. We were living our best possible lives. We loved each other to the point where I thought I was dreaming but god brought him into my life when I needed him the most.

March 14

Me and Mattia were just arriving to school going through the front entrance. Everyone was huddled around, me and Mattia went to go check it out. We saw a new student. She was beautiful. Had blue ocean eyes along with long black curly hair that bounced. She was about 5'7-5'8, she also had freckles from her nose to her tan cheeks. I looked over to see Mattia basically stargazed over her.

March 23

I walked into school today without Mattia because he has been showing the new girl around. I found out her name was Hope. I haven't really cared because I love Mattia and I know he wouldn't hurt me. At least that's what I thought.

March 25

Today is my birthday and I was looking forward to a text message from Mattia but there was none. Oh well I thought maybe he just forgot. I just walked into school to see Mattia standing there laughing with Hope as I'm alone. Everybody is starting to notice that Mattia and I are drifting apart.
March 31
Today I was going to talk to Mattia and probably try to work things out he also told me he had to talk to me today. I was on my way to his house and I just pulled up. I knocked on the door and Mattia answered.

M-"Hey, I'm glad you could come. Come in and we can go downstairs and talk, if your hungry or thirsty we can stay up here." He says
L-"No I'm fine Tia let's just go downstairs ok." I say smiling because I finally have gotten to talk to him.
I really hoped I could've just stayed upstairs instead.
M-"So I just wanted to talk to you today because Lilli you are a very kind and beautiful girl. I love you with everything in me although I know we have had our ups and downs you still stayed with me. I've helped you with your addiction and you helped me love again. Lilli just know I love you but I just can't keep forcing myself to be in this relationship anymore. I truly believe if we're meant to be will we will find our way back to each other." He says and I'm just sitting there trying to process everything
L-"Y-y-you want to b-break u-u-up with me. Is it because of  Hope if so I understand she is beautiful and kind. She is gorgeous too. Just know Mattia I'm sorry I love you and if you feel this is best then I can't change your mind. But I love you Mattia and I'm going to leave now bye." I say and leave his house sobbing while driving to my house.
August 30
It's been a few months since Mattia and I broke up. I have been barely going to school or getting out of bed. I have been tempted to go back to pills but I just picture Mattia in my head. I can barely stand going to school because Mattia and Hope started dating like a month or two ago. They do everything me and him used to do heck he even took her to our spot. I just wish this was all a dream.
Yeah haha so y'all have seen or heard Mattia fall out of love with me. It's sucks I know but I know he is happy so I will just let them be. Hope is an absolute angel and he found that she is what Mattia really needed. So after all of this pain I've been going I think it's best if I just go. I simply can't take it anymore. I grabbed a whole bottle of pills went to the bathroom and locked the door. I also wrote a note for Mattia and my parents even though they never cared about me. I say on the floor and put all the pills in my hand than to my mouth. Just like that I was out like a light.
Basically Mattia's POV and I'm sorry this chapter is crappy.

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