"Best friends"

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Quick shoutout to her for the ideas thanks love🤍

Quick shoutout to her for the ideas thanks love🤍

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Anyways let's get started!!

Lilli's POV
Today was a normal day I woke up brushed my teeth,brushed my hair cleaned my face and etc. I wore a white crop top with black high waisted jeans and black off white air forces. Today I felt a little lazy so I grabbed an apple and said goodbye to my parents before heading off to school.
*Skip to school*
I just arrived at school to be met with my best friend Mattia. Me and him have been best friends since kids. Some people even think we are dating but we're  not we're simply just best friends I trust him with everything. We used to also used to always hang out and sleepover at each others houses. Heck even his mom and dad including his brother love me. Unfortunately me and Mattia have been more distant more recently since he started dating this one girl named Lena. I don't really have a problem with her I think they are perfect for each other it just sucks that I can't hang out with my best friend anymore because he is always to 'busy' with whatever. Lena also gives me stares here and there but I think nothing of it because what would I have done to be on her bad side you know. Anyways I'm so happy to see Mattia because we haven't seen each other for a few weeks because he is always hanging out with Lena but today he is alone and looks like he is waiting for me. I walk up to him all smiley and he just has a straight face. Huh I hope he is ok.
L-Hey Matti I missed you how are you I ask with pure joy in my voice
M-I don't got time for this rn Lilli why did you text Lena he asked kind of like he was annoyed
L-What are you talking about I asked curious
M-Stop asking stupid questions Lilli he snapped at me
L-Mattia I really don't know what your taking about
M-Oh really because these text messages says it all he says shoving the phone to me so I can read

L-Hey Matti I missed you how are you I ask with pure joy in my voiceM-I don't got time for this rn Lilli why did you text Lena he asked kind of like he was annoyedL-What are you talking about I asked curiousM-Stop asking stupid questions Lilli he ...

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I soon finished reading at looked at Mattia.
L-Mattia that's not me I don't even talk to her I said with a serious voice
M-Oh my gosh here you go playing the innocent act just say it Lilli you sent those messages and your jealous he said slightly yelling causing some people's attention
L-Look Mattia I don't know what your going on about but that's obviously not me I said starting to sound slightly offended
M-Oh whatever Lilli sometimes I wish I never met you he said loud and clear
L-Really Mattia your gonna believe someone who you've only known for what about 4 weeks then someone you've known your whole life I said my voice cracking slightly
M-Yeah because she ain't a lying bitch like you he said his getting everyone's attention
L-I-I'm sorry but I didn't do it but if you really think that then bye Mattia don't ever talk to me again I said slowly and almost as a whisper
M-Whatever bye bitch he said walking away
I can't believe my "best friend" really believed her over me. He also called me names you know what I'm not gonna care anymore nobody is there for me anymore I might as well leave now. Just know Mattia I love you best friend even though you just broke my heart into a million pieces that you can't pick up.

Sad imagines~Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now