Broken Pt.2

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Mattia's POV
It has been a few months since me and Lilli broke up. I still love her but I went with Hope. Honestly we've been doing good but I'm worried about Lilli. When me and Lilli started dating she was taking pills and before I came along she had overdosed before. I hope she doesn't go back into her old habits but I'm going to check up on her to be sure.
I then go downstairs and get ready to get in the car when I got a phone call. From Alejandro.
A-"M-m-mattia you m-might want to come to the h-hospital." He says stuttering almost like he was crying.
M-"Why what's up is everything ok I was just about to go to Lilli's but I'll head over there first." I say then end the call and drove to the hospital.
*At the hospital*
I walk into the hospital and get checked in then walk to the emergency room. I see Alejandro, Kairi, Roshaun, Alvaro and Robert it looks like their all crying. The all look at me almost with a look of sorrow and sympathy. Before they could tell me why I'm here I get a call from Hope.
H-"Hey baby when are you coming over?"
M-"Um I'm at the hospital right now but I'll text you and let you know ok babe."
H-"Are you ok? Do I need to come over there?" She asks as I hear shuffling and keys going everywhere.
M-"Babe babe I'm fine haha I promise I'm here for something else I'll call you once I get the chance ok."
I say laughing because of how worried she was for me. It was cute.
H-"Ok bye baby I love you."
M-"Bye babe Love you too." I say hanging up
Then all of a sudden Ale and them come rushing over to me and they looked kinda mad.
M-"Wha- I stated saying until I got cut off by Kairi
K-"Bro Lilli might die" he kept saying more stuff but after I heard those four words I completely blanked out. I then rushed over to one of the nurses who walked out of a patients room.
M-"D-do you k-know where L-Lilli M-Mendez is?" I ask frantically waiting for an answer.
She looked at me with saddened eyes.
N-"I'm sorry sir she unfortunately just passed away." She said looking at me but I couldn't do anything I'm broken. I was just about to go to her house today to check up on her. What happened? What did she do to have this happen? I then ask for the room number but a coincidence it was the room she just walked out of. I then walked in the room to see her pale lifeless body. Wires hooked up to her along with her heart monitor flat. I started crying while I was living a good life she might have been struggling I need to figure what caused this. Just then another nurse walked in to collect some papers left in there.
M-" Hey e-excuse me but d-do you know h-how she died?" I asked still crying
N-"Yes, she unfortunately passed due to overdosing on pills." She says and then walks out
My princess overdosed on pills. She went back to her old habits while I was being selfish only thinking about myself and my happiness. I then walked over to her bed. I grabbed her cold pale hand and stated thinking. I will never see her light brown skin glowing in the sun along with her blue green eyes shimmering ever so bright. I will never get to see her happy again. I then started to speak to her.
M-"H-hi p-princess I just wanted to say I'm sorry and I feel so fucking guilty for not being there for you when you felt like your last resort was pills. I'm sorry I chose to be with Hope instead of being with you to make you happy. Although I know if you were here right now you would tell me to do whatever makes me happy even if your not happy with it yourself. Lilli I'm so fucking sorry I wish I really wish  that I was with you so that couldn't have happened. I don't know who called the ambulance but I'm glad they did because you can be put at rest. I will contact your parents and let them know what happened because they aren't here right now. Well bye princess I love you til' we meet again." I then walk out the hospital room crying. Just then Ale comes up to me.
A-"I'm so sorry bro I called the ambulance as soon as I had seen her." He kept saying other stuff but I interrupted him with a hug. He was confused at first but he thought it was just for comfort so he hugged back.
M-"Thank you so fucking much you were the one that found her and now she can be at peace because of you." I say releasing from our hug
A-"Anything for you man I love you and I loved her like a little sister too but I found these letters in her room." He says handing me one with my name on it. I opened and see her beautiful handwriting.
Hey Matti, I know your probably reading this right now and I'm dead but I just wanted to write the to you. I've seen you and Hope doing everything me and you used to do and it broke me but I seen that you were happy. That's all I want for you Matti even if it's not with me in your life. I want you to have kids and having a successful life. Also remember this don't ever and I mean ever feel guilty for what happened. I simply couldn't be here anymore. I love you and I love the boys so tell them I will always be there for someone if the my need me. My spirit will live on to be with you and with them. I love you Mattia Polibio. I always will. Love Lilli."
M-"I love you too princess always and forever."

Sad imagines~Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now