4 year  anniversary

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*Listen to song if you want to*

Lilli's POV
Today is me and my boyfriend Mattia's 4 year anniversary. I guess you could say we are high school sweethearts we have been dating since freshman year and through senior including when we graduated. Currently I work as a daycare staff I help take care of kids because I love. Speaking of which I am pregnant and I plan on telling Mattia about it when I get home but first I have to get some stuff for him for our anniversary and write him a letter. Man I love the man he is always there for me whenever I need him or whenever I'm scared.
*Time Skip to when she gets off work*
It's currently 6:30pm meaning I'm getting off work before you ask I already bought everything because I had a lunch break at usually mine is 1-2 hours because I do the most work around there anyways I'm currently on my way home and I'm going to call Mattia right now to see what he is doing.
Calling My Bubba
L-Hey bubba what are you doing
M-Ugh righ- h-hey Bebe he said flustered
L-Are you busy Bubba I can call you in a few minutes I just wanted to let you know I'm on the way home right now
M-fuckkkkkk mhmmm-oh ok Bebe just text me when your here ughhhhh
Call ended
That's weird usually he says bye I love you whenever he hangs up he was also grunting and moaning. Who knows he might just be jerking off or something. I don't think he would cheat on me I mean come on we have been together for 4 years. Anyways I'm happy to tell him about our baby I'm about 6 weeks in.
*Skip to when she gets home*
I already texted Mattia I'm here and I walking through our front door with the letter, presents and a onesie in a bag that says "Your going to be the best dad ever I love you ." I walk up to our room and hear the shower running I think nothing of it beacause he might just need one right now. The thing that gets me is the sheets and everything are changed I already changed them yesterday. Huh I don't know if not going to think to much of it. It's been a few minutes and Mattia just got out the shower showing just his v-line.
M-Hey Mi amor
L-Hey Bubbas
M-How was work
L-Oh you know running around taking care of all those kids is a little stressful you know haha
M-Yeah haha
L-Well you know what today is right Bubba
L-Really it's our 4 year anniversary
M-Ohhhh yeah I knew that damn Mi amor we've  been through it all I can't wait to marry you and have kids together I love you more than anything Mi amor
L-I love you too Bubbas
Mattia went to the kitchen to get a water he hasn't gotten the gifts yet though. While Mattia went to get a water his phone went off. I wasn't going to check it because that his business but it kept blowing up so I checked it.
Text message from Jenna😈😍
Hey I had a great time
Sent at 7:22
You were amazing
Sent at 7:24
I just wanted to say I love you too🥺
Sent at 7:30
No this is fake it has to be Jenna is Mattia's ex and she is saying that she loves him too. What does she mean he never said I love you in the chat. Also why is she texting him he stopped texting her when me and him started dating. Mattia just walked in.
M-Hey Bebe you alright he said because he seen my eyes glossy
L-Mattia tell me do you really love me
Mattia's POV
L-Mattia tell me do you really love me she said on the verge of tears
M-What do you me Mi amor of course I do more than anything and why aren't you calling me bubbas
L-I don't think you do you had a fun time with Jenna didn't you she said as a tear rolled down her face
M-What are you talking about Bebe I haven't talked to her in over 4 years
Ok I lied but I don't want her to know I love her but I don't know how she knows about Jenna
L-YOUR LYING she said screaming at me with tears
M-I'm so confused
L-You know what Mattia I'm done I wasted 4 years of my life because of you I deserve better I loved you
M-Please Bebe don't go I don't know what you are talking about I said starting to tear up
L-I'm leaving but make sure to check your phone and check the gifts I got for you but bye until next time and if we are meant to be it will happen
M-N-No please Mi amor I love you
L-You also told Jenna that she said it so calm as if she was really broken no more tears coming down anymore. Then she left out the door and drove away. I was sobbing and throwing stuff around I checked my phone to see what she meant and Jenna texted me.
M-FUCKKKK Mi amor come back and happy 4 year anniversary
I then checked the presents she got me and then there was a letter and a bag but on the letter it said don't open bag til you have read the letter...

Sad imagines~Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now