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Lilli's POV
Oh no another day of school. I slowly get up and get ready. I really don't want to go to school because I get bullied not only by random people also my ex boyfriend. You see me and him used to be really close and in a good relationship until he cheated. After he cheated I told him we couldn't be together anymore and he got mad. Soon he started hooking up with all the girls he sees and whenever he sees me. Yeah let's just say him and his friend group don't like me.
Anyways I finished getting ready only to realize I'm going dressed in sweats and a oversized shirt. Oh well I don't really care. I make my way to the door and get into my car along with my phone, backpack and car keys. I drive to school and park then get out the car going into the front entrance. Once I enter my eyes divert to Mattia and his "clique." They are leaning on my locker waiting for me to come.
I slowly start walking over there and once I get there Mattia speaks.
M-"Well, well, well look who we have here,"he says to his friends and they start laughing
L-"Can you please just leave me alone for one day that's all I'm asking for," I say more as a whisper
M-"What was that? Was that attitude you gave me?" Mattia questions but I guess more  as a joke
L-"N-no but please just leave me alone,"
M-"Bro your so ugly I don't even know by I dated you," he says as he starts to laugh with his friends
L-"Well Mattia I would rather be ugly than to cheat on somebody who loved you more than life itself." I say louder and then a circle starts forming around us
M-"What did you just say you bitch?" Mattia says with anger laced in his voice
L-"I didn't stutter now did I, I said what I had to say." I say standing my ground
Just then I feel a sting on the side of my face. Mattia just hit me. He would always calls me names or pick on me. Never and I mean never would he lay a hand on me. Especially after he knew I was abused in my other relationship before him.
I look up at him with tears in my eyes.
M-"W-wait Lilli" he was cut of by me running out of the building
While I was running I heard Mattia and his friends running after me. I eventually lost them and settle down somewhere I don't know where because I was simply lost.

Sad imagines~Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now