"I hate you"

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Lilli's POV
I am currently on the way back from the store. I figured out last night I was pregnant. My boyfriend Mattia I don't know how he will take it. You see he likes kids but I once asked him if we could have one but he was just saying that we were to young to have kids right now. Although we are I'm happy because I've gotten told my whole life I couldn't have kids. I haven't told Mattia though I'm kinda scared I don't want him to leave me and my kid like my dad left me. Anyways I have arrived at the house and I'm going to tell him that I'm pregnant let's hope it goes good.
L-Baby I'm home I say smiling
M-Hey babe he says coming down the stairs
L-So I just wanted to say you know how I love you oh so much right I say as I'm cheesing big
M-Yeah and I love you too of course he says also starting to smile big
L-Well guess what I say
M-What he says slightly confused but still smiling
L-I'm pregnant I say still smiling
M-What say it again he says trying to cope with what I said
L-I said I'm p r e g n a n t pregnant I say spelling it out for him
M-Lilli tell me this is a joke he says slightly mad
L-No it's not why are you not happy I say my smile slowly starting to go down
M-Of course I'm not happy I told you we are to young and your gonna need to abort it I can't
L-N-no I'm not aborting my child I say starting to raise my voice
M-For fucks sake Lilli abort it or I'm leaving he says starting to walk upstairs
L-N-n-no please d-don't leave u-us Mattia this might be the only kid I will be able to have and I also want it to have a dad like I didn't and I hate him for that I say going upstairs behind him starting to cry a little
M-I d o n t c a r e Lilli get rid of it or I'm leaving
L-NO I say and he stops and turns around
M-Ok I'm leaving he starts packing up his bags while I'm sobbing
After he is don't I one more thing before he leaves
L-"I hate you" I say still sobbing
He turned around looking hurt but I don't care I shut the door on his face and heard his car start
L-Well Bebe looks like it's just me and you huh I say wiping my tears
If so should I make her and Mattia get back together or make her fall in live with someone else?

Sad imagines~Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now