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Tonight I have decided that I'm going to talk with Mattia after dinner tonight with my parents. He's been busy at work for the past month and is always coming home late and keeping me up. I love him but I don't know if he feels the same anymore. We haven't talked really the only thing we say to each other all day is "hey or what're you doing?" I miss us. We used to be so close and honest with each other but now it's he always is stuck at work late or he can't make time for us. I want to make this work not just for me but for us.
*Monday, March 5th*
Mattia: Hey Y/N I can't make it to dinner with your parents tonight. Work is holding me back and I won't be home at a normal time. Don't stay up get some rest ti quiero mucho mi amor.
Y/N: Mattia really. This past month we haven't been together and we both agreed to meet up with my parents tonight. What is going on with us. We need to talk about this please.
Mattia: Seriously y/n I've been pulling overtime because I have a lot of work to do. Why can't you get that?! I told you I can't meet tonight just schedule another dinner with them.
Y/N: Whatever Mattia love you.
*end of conversation*
I get off of iMessage to call my parents about dinner tonight. Since he can't come I'm not going either I'll just go to him instead.
*calling mom*
Mom: hey baby how are you
Y/N: hey mom I'm doing good I just wanted to let you know that we won't be able to attend the dinner tonight
Mom: oh honey that's fine your father was actually just talking about scheduling for another day instead
Y/N: okay mom well I have to go ti quiero mucho
Mom: ti quiero mucho mi bebe
*end of phone call*
As I head over to Mattia's work I get a message from a unknown number.
Unknown: hey
Y/N: do Ik you?
Unknown: no but I know your boyfriend.
Y/N: who is this?
Unknown: his soon to be mother of his child.
Y/N: yeah okay bye.
*end of conversation*
I get confused by the text and just decide to ignore it. I shortly arrive at his work and take the food that I got for us. I go up to the 10th floor due to his office being high. As I was stepping out of the elevator I see a brunette woman who was beautiful. She wore a nice fitted business outfit with glasses on. Although her hair seemed to be just a bit fuzzy. She flashes me and smile and I reciprocate it. I step into his office to see him there. What I see makes me question whether he really cared or not.

*Hi my loves I just wanted to add another chapter bc why not:) but I hope y'all are   doing well!*

Sad imagines~Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now