"I'm sorry"

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Lilli's POV
Just another day waiting on my boyfriend Mattia to get back from wherever he is. I get scared every time he comes home though. He always comes home drunk and beats me til I beg him to stop. Sometimes he can't stop and I luckily get away from him on my own. Although right now I'm waiting on him to come home from hanging out with Kairi and Alejandro. Alejandro doesn't really like me for some reason and he would sometimes hurt me without Mattia knowing. Why would he care anyways he hurts me all the time. Kairi he is super nice to me he always treats me with respect and always shows a goofy smile. Just as I was in my thoughts I hear the front door open. I look at the time and read 3:30am. Why is he just now coming back. Anyways I walk downstairs ready for whatever is about to happen.
L-Hey baby I say slightly shaking
M-Hey whore he said slurring his words
L-Did you have fun t-tonight just then I see Alejandro come through the door hoping Kairi would be behind them he wasn't. Alejandro was smirking and it honestly scared me.
L-W-well I'm going to go to bed ok baby I say to Mattia
M-Whatever he says sitting down on the couch but in the distance I hear Alejandro say that he has to use the bathroom. That's when I know I have to go to my room quick.
I hear footsteps coming to my room thinking it was gonna be Mattia but it turned out to be Alejandro. He slowly started walking towards me smirking.
L-W-w-what a-are you doing I say stuttering
A-Lilli I want you all to myself instead of Mattia please he says still walking towards me
L-N-no please Alejandro I just want Mattia go away I say scared
A-Come on Lilli I know a little slut like you wants me he says now near be touching my cheek slightly
L-No go away I say trying to walk away but only to be jerked back and be hit in the face by him. I was crying at this point because Mattia hit me there last night. I then tried to run but he just pulled me into a kiss and I kept trying to push him away. When I finally did I seen Mattia. Oh he looked mad.
M-You fucking slut your going for my best friend now he says storming towards me
A-Yeah man she was all up on me she also wanted to have sex with me he says smirking
L-S-s-stop lying I don't want you I love Mattia I say shaking and trembling with fear
Just then I felt myself getting hit. Kicked. Punched. Most of all getting told I hate you. By Mattia.
L-I'm sorry Mattia I'll always love you wether you believe it or not I say as a slight whisper and feel my heartbeat slowly pumping. Just feeling all the kicks. The punches. The blood spewing from me. I feel lifeless. Although Mattia hurt me I tell him this one last thing.
L-Mattia promise me although you are unstable right now to find someone who loves you more than I do. Find someone to have kids with. Two boys just like you wanted to. I will always love you Mattia til I see you again my love. I say just then one last kick and I feel myself black out
Mattia's POV
As I was kicking and hitting her I just started to realize what I was doing. I then hear her last words and she still wished the best for me. After everything I've done to her. I kick her one last time and I feel her body go limp. I panicked and checked her pulse. There was none. Just then I see Alejandro there smirking.
M-Wtf are you smirking at I say slightly crying a little
A-Bitch deserves it she didn't want me back also just to let you know you killed her all because of a lie. Yeah I lied to you she actually tried to run away might I say she is a feisty one.
When he said that I was fuming mad. I just killed the love of my life because of his lie. She told me the truth and I still didn't listen. I then without thinking go to punch Alejandro but he moved and ran out the door. Pussy. I then look back at her body and slowly walked up to it. I knelt down and have her one last kiss saying
M-I'm sorry my love I should've listened to you. All you did was treat me with love and respect. I will continue to try to make you happy but just know I'm truly sorry from the bottom of my heart. Fly high my little angel. I say sobbing.
The end

Sad imagines~Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now