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Lilli's POV
I have recently been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. I don't have much longer to live. I haven't told anybody about it but people are staring to notice that I'm starting to lose my color and I'm starting to be real drowsy. Mattia is my boyfriend we are both currently 20 and I've have one kid with him and her name is Olivia. We had her when I was 16 yeah I know what your thinking but just because I was a teen mom doesn't mean I regret giving birth to my beautiful daughter four years ago. I love Mattia with everything in me but I just can't keep fighting I feel myself dying everyday very slowly. I also want to stay alive and fight because I wanna see Olivia grow old have kids and a loving husband but most of all I want to grow old with Mattia too and have another kid. If gods take me though it's fine because I guess it's just my time to go. Anyways let's see what is happening today.
*The house*
L-Mattia baby come here I said as loud as I can but I barely have any strength
M-Yes my love are you ok you haven't been looking so good lately. Do you need to go see a doctor? He asked with worry some eyes
L-My love I have to tell you something ok and it might change everything
M-Ok my love I know whatever it is we can work through it together
L-So you know how I have been feeling drowsy lately and not eating as much
M-Yeah he said a little confused
L-Well I am diagnosed with stage four cancer and I have been taking chemo but it's not helping and I don't know if I can keep fighting
M-W-w-when d-did you find this out he asked as years rolled down his cheeks and stuttering little bit
L-I found out like a month or two ago they told it was a likely hood I won't be able to make it
M-No no no I can't you have to stay here with us please he said as he started sobbing
L-Mattia please go get Olivia because I think it's my time
*Few minutes later*
O-Hi mommy she said all smiley which me me smile a little
L-Hi babygirl how was your grandmas
O-It was amazing I loved it there but not as much as I love it here
L-And why is that mamas
O-Because here I get to spend it with you and daddy while at nonnas I don't get to be with y'all
L-Haha I love you so much Olivia you know that right I'm so glad I had you. I'm so glad I also met you dad. Let me tell you your dad was a little player back then but I changed him for the better. Just know Olivia if I ever leave don't ever think I don't love you I will always and I mean always love but I will be watching you every step of the way. Also please please if I leave take care of daddy for me ok he is gonna need someone there for him.
O-Ok I promise mommy but where are you going
L-I'm going to this beautiful place called heaven
O-Will I get to still see you mommy
L-Mamas you won't be able to see me but I will always watch over you and your daddy
O-But I still wanna see you
L-My precious angel I will still see you but you will not see me although you will always have apart of me with you in your heart
O-O-ok mommy she said sniffling a little bit
L-Ok baby it's time for me to go but let me talk to your daddy one last time ok mamas I love you with my whole heart and shine bright on everyone but kind and have a heart of gold I will miss you mamas always and forever
O-I will love and miss you too mommy always and forever
*Olivia leaves and Mattia comes in*
M-Hey baby I just want to let you know I heard it all and if you really think you can't battle anymore then go fly high and live a pretty life up there just know me and Olivia will miss you like crazy and I will always remind of her beautiful mom when she gets older he says as he starts to cry a little
L-Mattia I love you so fucking much words can not explain I'm sorry that I can't be here for you and Olivia for longer but I slowly feel myself dying and draining but just know I love you and Olivia so much and I will be watching y'all from above and making sure y'all are ok. Mattia if you ever feel lost I will be with you or at least my soul will but I just wanna day live your life Tia your only 20. Go out and have fun. Heck maybe even love someone as much as you love me but know your the only man I ever loved and cared for
M-Lilli I will never love someone as much as I love you but I will miss you so much and so will Olivia he said crying
L-Well I think it's my time bye my love I say as my eyes start closing but before the so I heard
M-Bye my precious angel I hope you will sing in the angels choir because they gained the most precious person ever I love you until we meet again and then everything went white.
The end.

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