4 year anniversary pt.2

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Mattia's POV
I opened the letter and when I read the first line it broke me.
Dear Bubba,
I love you so much Bubba you don't understand. I can't believe we have been together for 4 years it's crazy right. We went through freshman year through senior heck we even glowed up together. I just want to say Mattia that you are one of a kind and I don't know what I would do if I would have never met you. You are the love of my life. If I had to I would risk my life just to make sure you were ok. Also I just wanted to let you know that what's in that bag is a onesie you may be wondering "What is the onesie for?" Simple just read it and you will figure it out Bubba I love you and I can't want to start more chapters in life with you.
Love, Lilli
I slowly go through the bag and pull out the onesie and it says "You are gonna be the best dad ever I love you." S-s-she was p-pregnant? Fuck I messed it up not only will I not be able to be with my kid I also can't be with Lilli why do I have to be such a fuck up. You know what I'm going to try to get her back she is probably at Kairi's house because her and Kairi are really close.
Lilli's POV
After I left the house in tears I decided to drive to Kairi's because he is always there for me when I need him. Sometimes I wonder if I ever gave him a chance if we would've dated because before me and Mattia started dating Kairi had a crush on me but I didn't like him back because I did not see him like that at all. Anyways I pull up to Kairi's house.
K-Oh hey Lil- what's wrong are you ok?
L-K-kairi he c-cheated on my am I not good enough? I said while sobbing
K-Lilli you are more than enough I promise you that don't ever think less about yourself
L-I'm pregnant but I didn't have the chance to tell him I just left a letter there so he can read it and the onesie that came with it
K-Your pregnant congrats mamas your gonna be a strong and great mother I just know it he said as he kissed my forehead and rubbed my back slowly
We walked into his house and went to his room.
K-So are you going to talk to him you know about the baby and all
L-Honestly I don't know Kairi because he broke my heart it's hard you know to think I spent 4 years or my life with him just so he can cheat and break my heart
K-Yeah bu- Kairi got interrupted but a knock on the door
K-I'll go get it you stay here ok
Kairi's POV
After Lilli told me all that I was furious. She is a great woman and she does not deserve to be treated like that. I walked to the front door to open and be met with yeah you guessed it Mattia Polibio.
K-What are you doing here man you broke her enough
M-Kairi please let me see her it was a mistake I didn't mean it I promise
K-Nah you cheated on her with fucking Jenna are you serious Mattia I thought you stopped talking to her
M-I did and then a few weeks ago we ran into each other and got each other's numbers
K-Still it's fucked up she was sobbing when she came to me
Just the Lilli came down the stairs
Lilli's POV
After Kairi went to answer the door he was taking awhile so I decided to see who was down stairs.
I seen my Bubba.
The one who broke me.
Who said he loved me.
The father of my child.
Just then Kairi and Mattia turned around and looked at me.
L-What are you doing here I said in a monotone voice
M-Hey Mi amor I just wanted to talk to you
L-Well I'm here so talk
M- I was hoping alone he said kind of glaring at Kairi but oh well
L-Whatever Kairi Bubba can you go upstairs and wait please so I can talk to him
K-Ok Mamas Kairi said jogging upstairs slightly
M-Wtf was that only you call me Bubbas
L-I don't know and I don't care
M-Also why did he call you mamas
L-For the last time I don't know and don't care so talk while I'm still here...

Sad imagines~Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now