The bet Pt.2

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Lilli's POV
I walk into the cafeteria smiling and all because I've had a good day so far. As I walking through the doors I see a video. Not just any video a video of Mattia making a bet. On me. I didn't know how to feel so I just start running out of the cafeteria into the girls bathroom. I thought in my mind nobody really wants me here. I'm just a waste of space.(TW:drugs) So I reach in my backpack and take out pills. My hands were so shaky so some spilled on the floor. I didn't care but I downed at least 15. I slowly start to feel my heartbeat slow down but before my eyes close I see Mattia and he is yelling at me to stay awake. I try my best but before I close my eyes I say...
L-Mattia thank you for making me come out of my comfort zone and making me feel loved even though I was just a bet I had the best time ever when I was with you. Promise me when you get older don't forget about me. Have a beautiful wife have kids with her. Live your best possible life just know I'm proud of you and don't let the hate get to you bubs. It's my time to leave but I will forever love you. I say slowly closing my eyes
M-I love you Lilli even though this did only start as a bet you were a one of a kind rest easy beautiful may your soul be at ease and all your pain go away
And that's it I feel my life being brought up into a white life and all I felt was love and joy but most importantly I felt a piece of me with Mattia as if I can feel him.
The end.

Sad imagines~Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now