'Perfect Two' Pt.2

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Lilli's POV

It has been six years since Mattia has left for Italy. I haven't dated anyone since. I've been fixing myself for me and him. Mattia has stopped texting and calling me after a couple of months since he has been there. I still text him I love and miss him. I also text him I can't wait til' he gets home and fulfill his promise he said to me. Although a part of me feels like he's forgotten about me. I hope not. I hope when he gets back we eventually get married, have kids, live in a beautiful house, have a dog, travel the world together, and grow old together. Right now I am currently walking through the mall when I bumped into this girl. She was very pretty. About 5'8-5'9, olive skin, hazel-green eyes, Italian accent, prefect smile, and a ring. Huh whoever is marrying her is very lucky.

??- Oh my gosh I'm so sorry let me help you my name is Bella she says picking up my bags that fell

L-It's fine and thank you I say grabbing my stuff

B-Hey I know we just met but I would like for you to attend my wedding happening next week she says smiling

L-Are you sure you want to invite me I'm a stranger haha I say laughing

B-Yeah I would love to and hopefully after the wedding and before we can become close friends

L-I mean I guess just give me your number and I'll let you know if I can make it I say giving her my phone

B-Ok all done she says handing my phone back

L- Ok well I have to go bye I say waving

B-Bye she says

That was weird I don't eve know the girl and she wants me to go to her wedding huh. I seen her with a guy though he looked about 5'10, black hair it was slicked back and he had blue eyes. I'm guessing that's her fiance. I was getting home when I seen someone familiar about 6'1-6'2, black fluffy hair,Olive skin, and Hazel eyes. That's when I stopped the car because I realized that was Mattia but if it was wouldn't he answer my calls and texts. Letting me know he is back in town. I just forgot about it and continued driving back home.

*Skip to the wedding day for Bella*

Me and Bella have been meeting up frequently she is such a sweetheart. I haven't met her soon to be husband yet because he is always hanging out with his friends. I wish I had some ever since Mattia left the boys stopped talking to me and so did everybody else. So I guess you could say I became lonely after he left. Anyways I am currently on my way to the wedding and I can't wait to see Bella get married. I was one of her brides maids so I go down the aisle before she does and stand next to her fiance. I hope he treats her right and is a nice guy. I just got to the church and see the guy she was with last time at the mall kissing and crying. I'm confused your not supposed to see your fiance before the wedding because it brings 'bad luck' oh well. Bella and the others got finished getting ready. I will be the last bride maid to walk out.

I was waiting for my turn to go down the aisle. I was now my turn I walk down the aisle. My heart stops. The boy I love. The boy who left me didn't return my calls texts. The boy who took my heart with him to Italy. The boy I wanted to call my husband  so much for his promise. I couldn't do it he didn't even see me. The reason why is because when your getting married the groom's back has to be faced. I didn't even notice how long I was standing there until I heard the bride's song come on and Mattia turned around. He made eye contact with me. His eyes went wide while mine we glossy and my vision was blurry. Before I knew it I ran out the building with Bella asking me where I was going but she didn't chase me. I went to open my car door with my hands shaking rapidly. Before I could open the door Mattia stopped it.

M-Lilli please just let me explain he says pleading

L- Explain what Mattia that I wasted my time waiting on you. I haven't dated anyone, kissed anyone or anything since you left. I've waited for you to live your promise. Do you n-n-not l-love me a-anymore. I say crying

M-Lilli of course I still love you heck I'm still crazy about you. I went to Italy and I thought you were gonna find someone new and more better than me. I made a new number so I didn't have to get hurt. I'm so in love with you just say you won't let go. He says stepping closer

L-Mattia your marrying Bella she is a sweet girl, don't break her heart.

Just as I said that Bella came from the distance I guess she could hear us.

B-Actually Lilli it's okay I know Mattia still loved his ex he wouldn't tell me but he still looked at pictures of y'all. Also I am still in love with my ex Giovanni. I'm happy for you Mattia keep her she is a keeper. I love you Lilli I hope your happy. she says hugging me while smiling

L-I love you too Bella

M-Thank you Bella and I'm sorry he says hugging her

B-Mattia it's ok well bye I have to go she says hopping into a car with I guess Giovanni

M-Now please Lilli take me back he says pleading

L- Ok Matti I love you

M-I love you too Lilli

5 year skip

Mattia and Lilli have two boys and a girl like they wanted. Their names are Mateo, Alexander, and Isabella. Mattia and Lilli got married 4 years ago. They are all currently happy right now. They got a big nice house. Travel the world together. Went to Italy and got a dog together named Storm.

The end

Sad imagines~Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now