Bully pt.2

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Mattia's POV
I honestly don't know why I hit Lilli. The only reason I have been hooking up with random girls is because I'm trying to get over Lilli. I loved her, shit I probably still do but I just messed that all up by putting my hands on her. Right after I did I got mad not at anyone else but at myself. Kairi and them were yelling at me about it. I was just blocking them out because I'd seen Lilli running out of the doors of the school. I tried to chase her and tell her I'm sorry but she kept running and eventually we all lost her. Fuck I hope she forgives me.
Lilli's POV
I have been running for awhile and I just stopped somewhere I don't know where but I'm kind of scared. Just then this middle aged man walked up to me he had black hair, gray eyes, tan skin and a sliver ring on his index finger. He might sound charming but right now he looks creepy.
??-"Hello what is a young lady like you doing out here all by yourself?" He says
I just ignore him
??-"Oh, where are my manners my name is Christopher." He says introducing himself
L-"What do you want I don't even know you personally?" I say
C-"I'm just trying to help and take you back to my place because town is pretty far away from here." He says taking his hand out and gesturing for me to take it
L-"I'm ok I can walk." I say getting bad vibes from here
C-"I insist come on." He says again
I just gave up and went because I didn't wanna come off as rude. We were walking to his car and I'd seen this all black Mercedes. Let me tell you that shit is beautiful looks like he has money but I don't care I'm gonna go back home in the morning.
We were currently driving to his house and he was slowly trying to put his hand on my thigh. I didn't let him because I just don't know him and it's weird. We finally got to his house after what felt like three hours.
C-"This is where I live and if you go upstairs to the left on the right hand side you will see a guest room for you." He says
C-"Also if you would like my maids can help you get settled in just for the night?"
L-"No that's fine thank you though."
As I said that I'd seen a snake on his wrist almost similar to the one on Mattia's wrist but his is more noticeable. Whatever I don't even care about Mattia right now. So I walked upstairs and got to the room that thing was humongous. I just went to the bathroom though to take a shower and I had to go ask Christopher for some clothes. Just as I was walking I heard talking.
??-"So are the shipments coming tonight or?" This one dude said he sounded oddly familiar.
C-"Yes they should be unless someone fucks it up." I guess Chris says because it sounds like him a lot
?-"Well we need to get going before someone jeopardizes our shipment." Another familiar voice says
Just as the last person said that the people started coming out. Oh shit. It was Mattia, Christopher, Alejandro, and Kairi. I tried to run but someone grabbed my wrist. I turned around to be met with Mattia.
M-"What the fuck are you doing here?" He says raising his voice also raising his hand along with it
L-"I-I-I'm sorry." I say slightly shaking up from being scared he is going to hit me.
Just then when I look at him he looks sad.
M-"A-a-are you scared of me?" He asked with he voice cracking along with it
L-"N-n-no but I have to go." I say and then start walking out
M-"L-Lilli p-please don't leave I l-love you." He says stuttering
L-"I-I-I'm sorry Mattia but I think it's for the best. Oh and Christopher thank you for taking me in." I say smiling with tears going down my face
M-"L-Lilli come on we c-can fix this." He says
L-"M-m-mattia I love you but I just can't." I say and start leaving just as I walked out I get a really bad pain. I look down and put my hand to were the pain was and see blood.
L-"M-m-mattia w-w-what's h-happening?" I slowly falling down still holding my stomach
M-"Fuck Christopher, Alejandro, and Kairi go get them and kill those mother fuckers!" He says angry and running over to me
L-"M-m-mattia am I g-going to b-be ok?" I say whispering
M-"Yes my love your going to be perfectly fine just keep your eyes open." He says as he is picking me up and placing me somewhere
L-"M-m-mattia I feel myself going but just know I forgive you and I love you."I say as I slowly start closing my eyes
M-"LILLI YOU BETTER FUCKING STAY WITH ME. " He says stressed out and crying
L-"I l-love y-you Mattia." Just before I'm gone I hear
M-"I love you too and I will get them back I promise you that" he says still holding my hand and giving me one last kiss then I see all white.
The end
A/N: I know this one sucked but I didn't really know what to do so it's whatever lls.🪐

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