{Levi x Eren} pt. 3

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Levi woke up early the next morning due to all the butterflies fluttering in his stomach. He tossed and turned in bed last night thinking about that brat not able to sleep. He warmed up a glass of milk and crunched on a piece of toast before he changed into a light blue button up shirt along with a cravat and dress pants before heading to the school.

The bell went as students rushed around the halls busying themselves with their books. Levi sat at the front of the room with his usual deadpanned face and feet resting on the table. He noticed Eren's blonde mushroom head friend come in but there was no sigh of Eren and Levi began to worry.

"You!" He called out to Armin who looked at him worriedly. "Come here mushroom head." Armin reluctantly walked towards a very pissed Levi.

"Y-yes sir?"

"Where is that Jaeger brat?!" Levi demanded.

"I-I don't know...He wouldn't answer his phone yesterday a-and Mikasa, his step-sister told me h-he wasn't feeling well s-sir." Armin stammered helplessly.

"Okay, go back to your seat brat." Levi sighed as Armin nodded and hurried back to his seat before he gets yelled at.

"You better be okay brat." Levi muttered under his breath.


"Eren?" Mikasa knocked on his door. "Eren? Are you alright?" She asked a bit louder when she didn't hear Eren reply. She opened his door to see his room a mess and heard water running from his bathroom. She knocked on his bathroom door not hearing an answer either, she began to worry.

"EREN?!" She screamed when she saw his limp drenched body on the shower floor with the cold water still running. She turned off the water and wrapped his limp, freezing body in his towel and then called the ambulance.

Mikasa was so happy when Eren opened his eyes drowsily. She pulled him into a tight hug and cried onto his already soaked shoulder.

"L-levi...." Eren mumbled.


"Levi..." He muttered a little louder.

"Who is she? Did she hurt you? What happened?" Mikasa demanded pulling away.

"No Mika, it's a he....and no he didn't hurt me, I hurt him...." Eren confessed before passing out onto Mikasa's lap. The nurses rushed upstairs after kicking the door down since Mikasa couldn't just leave Eren even if it was just for a few seconds. They carried him downstairs into the ambulance and rushed to the hospital.


"Mr. Ackerman!" Armin rushed towards his teacher with a worried expression.

"What brat?!" Levi demanded.

"I just wanted to tell you that Eren was....rushed to hospital last night....Mikasa told me this morning...." Armin gasped catching his breath.

"Okay," Levi said keeping a straight face even though his heart was breaking into a million shattered pieces. "Thank you for informing me." Then walked the opposite direction Armin came.


"WTF LEVI?! WHAT THE HECK DID YOU DO TO MY BROTHER?!" Mikasa screeched the moment Levi stepped into Eren's hospital room.

"N-nothing?! And it's Mr. Ackerman to you." Levi said caught off guard.

"You little-" Before Mikasa could insult Levi more, the doctor came in telling Mikasa to be quiet. Levi choked back a laugh to see the look on Mikasa's face.

"I'm going to get some coffee, you BETTER NOT do ANYTHING to MY brother. Understood?" Mikasa demanded.

"Of course, Mi'lady." Levi spat before Mikasa stormed off. Levi smirked darkly and walked towards Eren. Levi caressed Eren's pale cheek and kissed his forehead. Eren's skin was cold and lifeless, but Levi knew that he would fight for the will to live. Suddenly, Eren opened his eyes making Levi jump back in fear.

"Levi...." Eren croaked.

"Shh....rest, I'm here..." Levi cooed holding his hand.

"I-I'm so sorry Levi..." Eren exclaimed and broke into loud sobs.

"No Eren, I am sorry....I didn't mean to push you into this kinda things." Levi said sadly.

"But Levi...I-I...."

"Sh, not now Eren, rest, get better soon, you owe me a good maths score for your test."

"No! I have to tell you...Levi....I love you." Eren confessed blushing crimson red.

"I-I...Love you too brat." Levi said kissing him gently.

Sorry for the wait guys! I hope you enjoyed the little yaoi, please bear in mind that I SUCK at writing yaoi and yuri (I think thats how you spell it :/) so yea, Plz comment and Vote!! :)

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