{Chapter 5}

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You wake up lying in a soft white bed. As you start to sit up, your head starts throbbing and you yelp in pain.

"(F/n)! You're alive!" you hear a scream from a tall girl. She had long dirty blonde hair that swept down past her shoulder all the way down to her waist. Her amber eyes sparkled in the sunlight making her look like a goddess. She wore a blue shirt and white jeans.

"H-hey..." you manage to croak out for each breath you take hurts.

"Captain Levi hasn't left your side for the 2 weeks you've been out. The doctor was scared that you won't make it."


"What do you mean 'really'?"

"The c-captain was by m-my side?"

"Yeah! He loves you...I mean uh forget I said that!" She rushed out of the room leaving you gaping at the open door.

"Brat you're awake." Muttered a stoic voice. You looked around to find Levi sitting in the corner.

"Were you there the whole time?!" you asked in disbelief.

"Surprisingly, you didn't notice." he sighed standing up stretching his arms and legs. he came up to your bed and stood looming over you. He suddenly bent down and kissed you lightly on the lips.

"But Corpor-"

"No buts. Now sleep. Heal." He said as he walked to the door and closed it lightly behind him.


"Finally!" You exclaimed as you walked outside into the courtyard. Your body was so stiff after lying in the infirmary's hard bed for 4 weeks. Should I meet Levi first? Nah, I'm going to see Midnight. She probably missed me too. You walked down to the stables and saw Jean tending his horse.

"Who's a good girly? Amber is a good girly." You hear him say. He saw you and blushed wildly. "Oh...um hi (F/n)....you recovered fast....!"

You laughed at his attempt to cover up his childishness. "Four weeks is not fast."

"I've seen longer. Anyway, I was wondering if you are free tonight...?"


"She's busy tonight." You hear Levi sneer behind you.

"Oh Captain Levi!" gasped Jean saluting to him. Jean looked at me questioningly for I did not salute.

"(F/n) come help me clean my office. Hanji messed it up trying to find a book. Crappy four-eyes."

"Y-yes Sir!" You say as you follow him. Looking back at Jean, you give him an apologetic smile. Levi led you upstairs into his office and gave you a duster.

"Dust away."

"Ugh Levi!"

"Complain one more time you're cleaning my bedroom too."

"Yeah but your bedroom is spotless. I'm not even kidding, There is not a speck of dust!"

"Come here."


"I hate repeating myself. (F/n), come here." You slowly walk to your Corporal and look the short man in the eye.

"Y-yes sir?"

"One. When it's just you and me, cut out the formal crap. No 'sir', 'corporal' or 'captain'. It's Levi got it? Two. I hate to see the woman I love spend time with the brat I hate. Three. You are mine and only mine. Understood?"

"Uh yes sir I mean Cap- I mean L-Levi."

"Don't stutter. You sound like a freaking idiot."

"Yes sir! I mean Levi..." you blushed at your idiotic response.

"Tch, Idiot."

"Yeah but you fell in love with this idiot!" You teased cheerfully and brought a smile to his lips. He turned and returned to his cleaning. You sighed as you continued dusting his bookshelf. You came across a title 'The Awakening'. You stopped dusting and pulled out the book. You sat down began to read. You notice Levi staring at you from the corner of your eye but ignored him for he didn't lecture you or do anything.

You were so into the story you didn't even notice Levi finishing his work and sat next to you. He took the book away from you.

"Hey! It was the best part!"

"Get over it, it's just a book! Nerd." he teased.

"You fell-" He silenced you with a deep kiss on your lips. This time, there was no trace of coffee. It was more like strawberries. "Mmm....Levi..."



"Where were you two love birds?" Teased Sasha Brouse, one of your best friends. She was taller than you with long brown hair always tied in a pony-tail. And that appetite of hers! My Maria don't even mention food in front of her.

"We're not love birds!!" You deny.

"Sure Sure." she says as you roll your eyes. You start to eat your cheese bread roll as Eren comes and sits next to you causing Sasha to blush.

"Hello my ladies." Greets Eren with a bright smile.

"H-hey." giggles Sasha.

"Dayuuuum! Sasha has a crush on Eren!!" I tease her as her face grew red.

"N-no no no!"

"Yes yes yes!"

"Anyway, I know Eren likes you so we don't have a chance."

"E-eh?" exclaims Eren.

"It's true though!"

"*Sighs* yeah it is, But (F/n) and I don't have a chance either."

"Huh? what do you mean?"

"(F/n) likes the Corporal..." Sasha's eyes widen in disbelief.

"You like that shorty clean freak dude?"

"Oi Brouse and Jaeger. 20 laps now." snapped a voice from behind you.

"Yes Sir!" they both saluted and ran off.

Levi: Hehehe 20 laps Jaeger hehehe

Eren: Levi sir, you sound super creepy right now....

Levi: Say that one more time you'll be cleaning till your arms drop.

Eren: Shutting up...

AU: So how-

Eren: Don't ask about the chapter-

*Screaming fangirls invade the room tackling Eren onto the ground then dragging him away*

Eren: Aghhhh Corporal! Help!

Levi: You didn't help me brat

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