{Assassin Levi x Assassin Reader}

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[Modern Time]

You've been raised by this assassin group called 'The Wings'. Your job was to hunt down this Military group called the 'Survey Corps'. The Wings has killed many well trained soldiers before. You asked your leader; Eren Jaeger why you do this.

"We are tracking down the guy you are assigned to kill (F/n). You have studied him correct?"

"Yes Mr. Jaeger, He's name is Revaille or Levi Ackerman. He has raven black hair that dangles in front of his cold steel grey eyes. He is about 160cm tall and-" You said remembering the information from the top of your head.

"Good. We leave at dawn." He informed you and walked out your apartment room you shared with The Wings. You checked your watch. It read 1:19am. You sighed and crawled into your bed covers getting wanting to get some sleep. A sudden tap on your window made you jump. You grabbed your small pocket knife from your bedside draw and slowly crept out of bed. The tap came again. You pressed your back against the wall next to the window peeking through the small gap in the curtains. You saw a shadowy figure throwing pebbles at your window. You sheathed your knife but still had it in attack position. You threw the curtains apart making the figure jump.

The cold wind made you shiver for you were only wearing a thin white button up shirt with the top two undone and a short navy blue skirt.

"Who the hell are you?!" You demanded in a low voice. The figure wore all black with a hood covering half their face so you couldn't see their face. But you saw a slight smirk play along their lips.

"I'm sure you know exactly who I am (F/n) (L/n)." He said calmly.

"How do you know me?" You asked concerned. If he was someone from the Survey Corps, that means they have found their secret location and they will be hunted down.

"Hmm, You're more stupid then you look." He mocked throwing his hands into his jacket pockets.

"For that last time and final time, WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!" You said raising your voice ready to unsheathe your knife. The figure took his jacket off revealing his cold steel eyes. Levi.

"Y-You.." You stuttered unsheathing your knife holding it in front of you. He chuckled but didn't do anything else.

"Is this Fate?" he asked with a smirk.

"What do you mean?" You eyed him carefully not letting your guard down.

"I was assigned to kill you, you are assigned to kill me. But studying you, I couldn't help but fall in love with you." He said still standing there with his hans inside his pockets.

"I-I...." You tried to find the right words. You realised you were still holding the knife in attack motion. You lowered your knife.

"I know you won't exactly return-" He was cut short by Eren.

"What the actual hell?! Kill him (F/n)! It's your destiny!" He yelled pulling out his gun. Eren's yell also drew the Survey Corps' attention.

"HOLD YOUR FIRE!" Commanded Levi to his group. He drew out his small black handgun from inside his jacket and loaded it.

"Duck." He commanded you as he pointed the gun at you.

"Oh? Duck? Where?!" You exclaimed looking around, you love ducks, especially ducklings.

"No you moron, duck! Squat!" He said.

"Oh!" You understood and obeyed. He fired the gun at Eren hitting him on the shoulder. He grunted in pain and fired his gun missing Levi's head by one inch.

"Come with us (F/n). I know you are a good person forced to do terrible things." Levi said pulling your arm.

"Get your filthy hands off her!" Hissed Eren holding his bleeding right shoulder.

"No, my hands aren't filthy. I washed them before I came." Levi snapped. "How could you? Forcing an innocent young girl to kill people?!"

"Shut.up." Eren hissed again. The rest of the Wings came out with their guns. You suddenly realised how unfair they treated you. Everyone else had guns except you. You were given a knife to kill Levi. Levi had a gun. Even if you did have the chance to kill him, you would get shot. It had suddenly hit you that you were only useful as bait. Eren and The Wings had used you as bait.

You smiled and shook Levi's hand off you. You held up your knife and walked towards Eren. You tackled him to the ground not caring if you got blood on you. You took his gun and pointed it to his face. The rest of the Wings loaded their guns and advanced towards you. Levi stepped behind you and started shooting.

"(F/N)....p-please..." Eren begged. You lowered your gun and he took the advantage by kicking your legs making you lose your balance and fall too the ground. The Survey Corps attacked along with Levi leaving you to battle the boss. You regained your balance quickly but Eren was faster. He grabbed his gun and pointed it at you. The only weapon you have now is your knife.

"What's that going to do hmm?" He teased you with a playful smirk. You glared at him with anger and hatred as you threw the knife with all your energy. It hit him on the leg causing him to miss his target; your chest, and hit you on your shoulder. The force of the bullet was so strong it caused you to fall back and hit your head on something hard knocking you out cold.


"(F/n)....(F/n)!.....(F/N)!!" Your eyes shot open to see Levi hovering above you. You tried to sit up but the throbbing pain from your head you yelp.

"What happened?" You croaked out.

"We wiped out The Wings and then we found you lying unconscious and your leader half alive. We spared your leader by locking him up in our jail cell for questioning. By the looks of it, he will never talk." sighed Levi. You realised you were changed out of your clothes instead, you had a blue t-shirt and a white skirt on. You blushed thinking Levi must've changed your clothes.

"And yes brat, I changed your clothes." He said making you blush even more.

"Where am I?" You asked.

"In the Survey Corps' infirmary. Don't worry, you're safe now." You nodded and stared at the white ceiling. A moment of silence passed between you two until it was interrupted by someone coming in.

"How are we feeling?" The tall lady with brown hair and glasses asked you.

"I-I'm okay thank you." You smiled weakly. She came up to your bed and felt your forehead.

"Hmm....Still got a bit of a fever, oh by the way, my name is Hanji Zoe, the Survey Corps' nurse. And-"

"That's enough four-eyes, (F/n) needs some rest." Levi snapped cutting her off. You smiled at her apologetically but she didn't seem to mind.

"As you can see, Levi and I don't really get along." She chuckled and left the room. Levi stood up and straighten his shirt and cravat.

"Rest and heal (F/n). Don't you freaking dare die on me." He muttered leaning close to you and kissing you gently on you cheek. You blushed and nodded.

~Four weeks later~

You were well and happy living with the Survey Corps now. Life and food are so much better here. You and Levi are dating now and you got some information out of Eren.

"I love you so much (F/n)." Levi suddenly said one afternoon when you were sitting in the garden with him.

"I love you too Levi." You giggled scooting over to him and giving him a hug. He pulled you closer and you buried your face in his chest. You felt him slipping something cold on your finger. You pulled your hand away and your eyes widened when you saw a beautiful diamond ring.

"That's a weird proposal and yes Levi, I will marry you." You giggle.

"That's what I thought." He said kissing you lovingly.

Levi: O.o

AU: What?!

Levi: Nothing...it was good

AU: Why tyty

Levi: tch

AU: Aha, Levi and his special 'Tch'

Levi: Shut up

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