When the clock strikes 12

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This must be another boring party. You thought. You came from the wealthiest family in all of the Sina suburb. Some people look up to your family, some people loath your family for you wealth but, it's life and you accept it.

"Miss (L/n)-"

"(F/n), Lentara, Call me by my first name." You interrupted your good hearted maid.

"Of course my Lady, I have been summoned by Mrs (L/n) and she gave me the orders to help you get ready for the dinner party tonight!"

"Who is my mother trying to sell me off to again?" You rolled your eyes.

"My! Such bitter words! This is no such words suited a Lady!"

"Yeah okay, whatever, so whats the theme for tonight?"

"Oh no, it's not hosted at your manor My Lady." You were very confused but you went along with it. The more questions you ask, the more boring this will get you why not just go along with it and pretend you're having fun but you're actually silently judging people?

Lentara dressed you into a beautiful black mini dress (Refer to photo) since you weren't really the type for long dresses. Ever since you were little, you loved long dresses but your mother, as stubborn as she is, always dressed you in short dresses. Why? Because she believe your thin slender legs would get a lot of attention. And attention it did attract, unwanted ones especially. You thought this was stupid but what can you do? You aren't 20 yet, thats the rule for the (L/n) Household. Once you're 20, you get to do whatever you want.

After finally picking out the right hair style, you walked into your endless wardrobe of shoes. Nothing seemed to fit the black dress until you saw a pair of beautiful, glittery black coloured pumps looking at you. Lentara also saw you stare at them and she immediately dash to them and help you put them on.

"I don't remember ever owning those, how did they end up here?" You asked your main who has finished tying the ribbon at your ankles.

"Well My Lady, since you have been to countless parties and balls, I'm sure you may forget some things."

"No no, Lentaral I'm sure I've never seen those before."

"That's because they just arrived in the mail addressed to you this morning. I had Mr. Semprie bring it up here when you were having your morning bath. It also stated that you have to wear it tonight." Your mother's voice explained from the door. "And my little bird is growing up so fast! I'm sure some gentleman will fall for you tonight, maybe even the Host's son!" That made you roll your eyes again.

"Well too many falls, we may even need to contact the hospital!" You retorted and Lentara gave you a look.

"Come on now dearie! No need for that attitude! You're going to have fun tonight! Lentara make you sure have (F/n) here ready before 5. We are leaving in 5:20 sharp!" With that, your mother danced out your room.

Lentara helped your makeup table and fixed a priceless black diamond pendant around your neck and did your makeup. It didn't take long since your chose a natural look but Lentara insisted on winged eyeliner and you didn't have the energy or the patience to argue so you gave up and let her.


Your pink V.I.P limo pulled up in front of an elegant off-white marble mansion. It's garden was a little smaller than yours but the black and white roses that was standing proudly in front was absolutely breath taking. And trust me, the roses weren't the only breath taking things.

As you climbed the stairs, the manor's butler opened the door revealing the amazing interior you've been anticipating. As you walked down the hall with Lentara trailing behind you, you can't help but notice; almost everything in this mansion interior was black and red. There are even set out champagne glasses filled with dark red liquid and quartered lemons on the side.

Something twisted in your gut. You can say its a gut feeling but something was off. You knew that if something happened, you won't be able to run because these pumps are literally the death of you. The orchestra in the middle of the ballroom was already playing a sweet, drifty melody. It sounded so sweet and legato (Smooth and well connected) it was almost dream like.

"My Lady," A male voice brought you out of your day dream. "May have have a dance?" You looked at him. He looked young, cold but also intimidating. Just your type. His black bangs were dangling in front your his sharp grey eyes and his lips displayed a smirk.

"O-of course." You stammered and took his hand. This was the first time someone has asked you to dance so soon but you went along with it. He was good looking too so not complaining.

"You have beautiful eyes My Lady." He complimented you as you two waltzed. You blushed and smiled lost for words. You wanted to thank him but nothing came out. "Lost for words I see." He smirked.

"Is that your way of getting girls? That infamous smirk of yours?" You questioned him after a while of dancing.

"Oh? And what are your implying?"

"It was a simple question!" You pouted.

"Matter of fact no, I don't. Normal girls go for that brunette over there." He cocked his head to his left and your saw a taller young fella, who indeed is a brunette but he seems more nice than intimidating.

"No, not my type. I like the intimidating."

"Oh? I'm intimidating now am I?"

"Don't be so full of yourself now." You poked him in the chest which got you the smallest chuckle. You blushed and somehow feel yourself becoming attracted to him. He is cute, sweet (Maybe don't know yet), intimidating (Main reason) and damn just attractive. Am I getting carried away? Okay back to the story.

And for the rest of the night, you just talked and talked. It feels like as if you two are already best friends. Your little chat was interrupted when you noticed something odd about him. For starters, he didn't tell you his name nor ask for yours. Odd right? And his teeth. It looks like he has fangs of some sort.

He noticed the unease in the air and sighed. He stood up and held out his hand. "Come, I need to show you something." You took his hand, heart pounding, but you still took it. He lead you onto a balcony and looked out into the night view. By now, you figured that he must be the Host's son.

"I tend to want to fall in love with women to help lift this curse. But I think I've really fallen for you." He sighed not look at you.

"Well if you've fallen can I call an ambulance?" You joked making him chuckle.

"You are quite extraordinary. Tell me, how is it that you aren't married yet?"

"I just have a strict type of men I like and for some reason no one that has asked for my hand fits the requirements."

"Ah I see."

"So why are you telling me all this?"

"I've noticed how you find me rather odd. My fangs, how I haven't asked for you name or given you mine. Everyone in this household was once cursed. To be able to lift the curse, I must find someone to truly love me and we need to kiss the moment the clock strikes 12. I'm not allowed to ask for a name nor give my name to this maiden before the kiss that we now call Purification."

"Such a name for a kiss." You giggled.

"Indeed. You are the only one who hasn't asked for my name or questioned me at all. I believe we can work- I mean, if you would like I mean like...."

"Aha its okay, I understand. And if this works, I am more than happy to help you." This time, he smiled an ear to ear grin. And at that moment, you completely fell for him.


Maimai here, I hope you enjoyed that but please stop with the shipping hates and stuff because I don't know what you guys like and how to write them. People like different things and I can't write something that you all would agree with since I don't know your preferences. I am really trying my best to write things y'all enjoy so please stop.

Thanks. xx

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