{Levi x Reader}

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"It's a nice night tonight." You said as Levi, your boyfriend led you down the corridor to the grass plains behind HQ. Today was your 2nd anniversary with Levi and he is taking you somewhere special. Well, so he says.

"Yes, (F/n), it's beautiful tonight. I mean, look at the stars!" he replied warmly. The usual stoic and cold Levi has completely disappeared and replaced by warm and caring one. You looked up into the midnight sky and smiled. He was right. You thought. There are so many stars out tonight. As you were looking at the stars, you felt someone sweeping you off your feet causing you to yelp a bit.

"Calm down princess, it's just me." Chuckled Levi.

"Don't do that! That scared me." You pouted but he only laughed more at your childishness. He continued to walk until no lights could be seen apart from the stars. Your heart started pounding in your chest for you were afraid of the dark.

"No need to worry babe, I'm here." he cooed noticing the tension in the air. You blushed badly but thank goodness it was dark so he couldn't see. You stared back into the sky again spotting some shooting stars.

"Levi!! I saw a shoot star!! Make a wish!!" You exclaimed happily almost making Levi trip over from the sudden action.

"Tch, don't do that brat, and yes that's the point. I brought you out here to see the fall of Gemini." He explained going back to his stoic self.

"Oi prince, you know how much I hate the cold version of you right?" you pouted again crossing your arms.

"Well..." he laughed at your childishness again. His laugh was a beautiful sound, like the light in the darkest of nights. The blooming flower among a dead bush, it's like bringing back life and joy to this cruel world.

"Are we there yet?" You complained.

"Stop complaining, I'm the one carrying you." He grunted pretending to drop you making you yelp.

"Hey!" You hit him playfully on the shoulder.

"Here we are!" He announced setting you down on something soft. You straightened your short blue floral dress. He loosened his cravat a bit and readjusted his black suit.

"Scoot over, I want to lay next to you." he commanded and you obeyed.

"What are we doing here?"

"Watch the shooting stars of course." He answered giving you a peck on your cheek. As you were enchanted by the stars, You didn't notice Levi get up to get some things he hid behind the trees. He lit some matches and set up a small table. You looked at him puzzled but he only scowled at you and telling you to keep looking at the stars.

After a while, as your eyelids began feeling heavy, you heard a sound of violins. You looked towards Levi and saw him playing the violin. You sat up and get a better look. Your favourite song, 'Für Elise' was being played. Before you knew it, tears started streaming down your cheeks.


"You like classic music huh?" Levi asked putting his arms around your waist.

"Yeah. I love the violin. Do you play an instrument Levi?"


"oh, that's okay! I can teach you the piano!" You exclaimed happily making Levi chuckle.


~Flashback ends~

"You learnt the violin for me?" You whispered.

"Of course (F/n)." he smiled in the dim candle light. As he set the violin down, he pulled a small box from his pocket. He got down on one knee and opened the box revealing a beautiful diamond ring.


"(F/n) (L/n), will you marry me and be my wife?" he asked quietly. You sat there shocked and excited at the same time.

"Levi....I-I....Of course!" You answered with more tears running down your cheeks. You hugged him as he placed the ring on your finger fitting perfectly. He kissed you sweetly and swept you off your feet again.

"You're mine and only mine got it? I don't want another man to get their filthy hands on you." he told you clearly and sternly.

"Haha of course Levi." You giggled.

"I love you (F/n)."

"I love you too Levi."

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