Reader x Levi ~ Promise?

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"Seeya (F/n)! Don't forget to bring me extra whipped coffee tomorrow!" Your best friend Annie called as you climbed into your small red Mini-Cooper.

"Sure Annie! See you!" You called back before closing your door and starting your car.

You turned on the heater quickly rubbing your hands together to keep warm. It was a cold winter night and it just began snowing. You drove home listening to your favourite song and mouthing all the words silently.

You parked your Mini-Cooper into your garage as your two Golden Labradors came to greet you. You hugged them both as they licked your face making you smile. Who needs a boyfriend when you have dogs?

"Hi Tonks, hi Teddy. I missed you too. Sorry I came home a little late, you must be starving!" You smiled as they barked in reply wagging their tails. You opened the living room door and took off your fluffy coat. You turned around to turn the heater on but saw something that you didn't expect. You screamed making the dogs bark.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to scare you, really!" A man said quickly holding up his hands and backing away as your dogs advanced. The man looked at Tonks and Teddy for a second before the dogs bowed their heads.

"How did you do that...?" You whispered still shaking because one, it is really cold and you completely forgot about the heater, two, there is a stranger in your house.

"Skill." He winked at you smirking. You pouted and turned to the heater turning it on. I must be dreaming....

"Who are you?" You asked not looking at him pretending to be fiddling with the switches.

"It's rude not making eye contact and also, stop pretending to be turning on the heater when you have already done so please." He sighed looking more relaxed then when you first saw him.

"Who ARE you? And how do you know....these things?" Turning to looked at him. Making eye contact, you noticed that his eyes were shining silver with a tint of sky blue. His eyes are not natural.

"Name's Levi. I'm the third duke in the Stohess District. A rich city....south, yeah south from here. do I put this...All the dukes and duchesses in Stohess or Trost are born with one to three powers." He explained. You nodded for him to continue.

"There are over fifty powers and they all come with like, a different feature on your body. For example, me, I have the power of reading peoples minds and actions, which makes my eyes a silver shade, and I summon anything I want and control it with my mind, which makes my pupils a shade of blue."

"What other powers are there? I thought it was impossible know, have powers." You said turning a light shade of pink. Luckily it was warm in the room due to the heater Levi didn't notice.

"Well, my best friend, Isabel, she had only one power but it's awesome. She can mess with peoples minds and make them think they are living in their worst nightmare when all she's doing was creating a hallucination."

You imagined how amazing it would be to have powers. You smiled to yourself and snuck another look at Levi's eyes. When you caught he already staring at you, you turned away blushing.

"So um Isabel huh? When can I meet her?" You asked hoping to change the subject. Levi looked away and sighed.

"She's dead." He said flatly.

"O-Oh... I'm sorry.." You apologised caught off guard. The air suddenly tensed and something was amiss. Levi must've sensed it too because his eyes flashed with anger and was it fear?

Tonks and Teddy started barking at the door which was bolted and locked shut. Who was outside? More the question, What was outside? Levi stood up and waved his hand turning off all the lights. Once the apartment was pitch black, the dogs started barking even louder.


"Shhhh!" He hissed. Holding up his left hand as a butter knife from the kitchen bench flew into his grasp. He walked slowly and silently until he was face to face with the white apartment door. With one hand unlocking the door and the other still holding the door, he slammed the door open revealing nothing but thin air.

"Seriously Levi? You scared the living daylights-" Before you could finish, it was as if the invisibility cloak was blown off, there stood a cloaked figure, covered in flames.

"Erwin, this is not the time to scare souls." Levi scolded at the hooded figure when you screamed in terror. When the figure continued to throw flames which doesn't seem to destroy anything, Levi got a little pissed. He threw the butter knife which hit 'Erwin' square on the forehead.

"Levi!" 'Erwin' laughed taking off his hood and distinguished the flames. Levi waved his hand again and the lights turned back on. Erwin was a tall young fellow with blonde hair neatly parted on each side. He had bright blue eyes which shined in the dim light.

"(F/n), this is my 'friend'," Levi spat out the word friend like it was a bad taste in his mouth. "Erwin, this is (F/n), I'm sure you already know her."

"Of course, nice to meet you (F/n)." Erwin smiled. Not a fake smile, but a genuine warm smile.

"N-nice to meet you Erwin." You smiled back making Levi 'Tch'. "How do you know me?"

"Well-" Erwin started but Levi cut him off.

"Long story short, Erwin can read anyone's fate by just look at their face. Real person or picture. When we came across you, he couldn't exactly read yours clearly. It was like someone scribbled on it with a permanent marker or something." Levi explained with Erwin nodding in the background.

"So what does that mean? I don't have a future?" You asked slightly confused. When Erwin saw your confused face, he simply smiled.

"There are a few possibilities on why. But it just depends on which one." Levi said still unamused.

"And they are?" You asked petting Tonks on the head making him wag his tail.

"One, you are going to die, and your soul will perish meaning we won't be able to collect it. Two, it involves another Duke, like one of us. And Three, you are one of us." Erwin said still smiling.

You thought all the three possibilities through. The first one was scary and you shuddered as you tried to imagine your death. The second one seemed more reasonable since there are two dukes standing right in front of you!! And the third one, well, you haven't discovered your 'special power' yet.

"So this means....?" You asked.

"We need to find out. But there is also a problem. You know how I said Isabel is dead? Yeah well about that, she didn't die because she was sick or old. She was murdered by an assassin group. The Titans. Every Duke and Duchess born, is in grave danger and if you're not careful, you will be gone-" Levi clicked his fingers, "-Like that."

"Now come on Levi, let's not scare (F/n) over here." Erwin said kindly.

"She needs to know. She deserves to know." Levi argued back his eyes flashing again.

"Okay okay." Erwin sighed backing off. You sat on the couch cuddling with your two dogs gazing up at the two still a little confused. Levi smiled for the first time and sat down next to you.

"Don't worry, you have us. We can protect you. Plus, there are more dukes and duchesses around. They fit into normal society quiet well."

"Yeah, throwing fire and setting yourself on fire is totally what humans do." You joked as Levi glared at Erwin.

"Well, most of us." Levi sighed. "Some of us just don't understand life."

"Excuse me?!" Erwin demanded lighting himself on fire again. You expected levi to react but he just sunk into the pillows.

"Erwin, go, seriously, you're going to scare her."

"Okay, but keep it PG rated okay?"


Yoyo wassup I'm back!! Sorry I haven't been writing for so long!! I'm truly sorry. There will be a part 2 with the cute fluffs in there. XD How is this chapter? Plz leave feedback on how I can improve my fanfics XD

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