{Levi x Artist Reader} - Just one note

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Normally you would just spend some time alone in your room either writing or sketching. Before you joined the military, you were a well known artist. You didn't want to lose your talent so you kept drawing. You would draw things you really like, so you've drawn Levi like once......maybe twice.....OKAY more than that......There I said it......

You were halfway through another one of your masterpieces when someone decided to scare the living daylight out of you.

"(F/N)!! LET'S GO TITAN SIGHTING!!!" screeched a high pitched voice. Hanji. You hid your drawing quickly and locked the draw.

"U-uh s-sure Hanji...."

"What are you hiding (F/n) hmm?" Hanji's eyes sparkled with curiosity. 


"Don't lie to your higher ups."

"You're not my higher up Hanji! I'm a squad leader too!"

"Yeah but you're 4th are you not? I'm second." she corrected and then chuckled. You pouted and stood up leaving the key under your pillow.

"Come on! You don't want to keep the horses waiting!" Hanji yelled down the hallway. You sighed and grabbed your jacket and followed Hanji to the stables.

~Levi's POV~

Tch, Hanji, has to be so freaking loud. I thought as I looked out the window spotting Hanji with (F/n). Since when does she get (F/n) in her free time?! Wait...(F/n)'s not in her room. That means I can go and find out whats in that damn draw!

I walked down the corridor to the girls dorms. It was normal for me to just enter the girls' dorms but entering (F/n)'s feels like invading her privacy.

I saw the draw and pulled on it. Kuso....It's locked. I looked around her dorm wondering where she would put her key. She wouldn't have it with her since she had a talent of losing things. I spotted her neatly made bed and I lifted her pillow to find the golden key with a round shape at the top where she has connected a chain onto.

I grabbed the chain and unlocked the draw. I opened the draw to find....


Many of the drawings were of animals and flowers but the one right on top of the stack was....me. I flipped through the stack of paper to find a lot of sketches of me. They were life like as if another version of me could just pop-out from the paper.

When I got to the bottom, I found a letter:

Dear Levi,

If you ever come across this letter, I hope it's before I die and you were cleaning out my room for another soldier, I have a confesstion to make. 

I love you

I know a letter is a bad way to umm confess? But I don't think I have to guts to confess to your face you know? You don't have to return the feelings, I just thought you have the right to know? Uh....Even righting this feels weird, I always think you're right behind me looking at me writing this. It's Crazy....


"You stupid girl." I muttered under my breath and smiled. I glanced out the window to see Hanji and (F/n) coming back. I grabbed a piece of paper, scribbled a note and signed my signature. I folded it and locked her draw. I rushed out her dorm and closed the door gently behind me. I saw Hanji and (F/n) grooming their horses so they will still be there for a while.

~(F/n)'s POV~

I finished grooming my horse and headed back to my dorm. I took off my 3DMG straps and jacket to make myself feel more comfortable since I have nothing else on today. I unlocked my draw to find a neatly folded note and a newly picked rose. I recongised the writing straight away. I felt all the blood drain from my face.


My hands shook as I unfolded the note:

Dear (F/n)

Of course I love you brat.


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