{Chapter two}

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You unpacked everything and organised your books. You changed into the uniform given to earlier. You spent a very long time with the straps. At last, you got it all together.

"(F/n)! It's dinner time!" Said a cheerful voice from the other side of your door.

"Got it!" You yelled back, "Be there in a sec!" You turned your attention back to your uniform to make it perfect. You grabbed your beloved notebook that you write everything in and headed to the mess hall. Entering the hall, everyone was already sitting in their seats and eating with their friends. You grab your tray of food and sat in a small quiet corner since you didn't now anyone. You opened your notebook and decided to draw something instead of writing.

Should I draw Captain Levi? You thought. Yes, That's it! I can draw the captain. You picked out a pencil and began to draw. You were halfway done when Hanji came and sat next to you.

"You like Shorty eh?" teased Hanji. You look down hoping she won't notice your cheeks flaring up. "(F/n) likes Levi!" Hanji shouted to everyone in the mess hall.

"Hanji!" You exclaim in disbelief.

"Yeah Four-eyes." said a voice behind you. You spun around to see Levi standing there with his usual stoic expression. "Beat it glasses before-" Before he finished, Hanji stood up and left.

"I apologise for her behaviour." He said to me. Levi never apologises though...

"I-It's okay.." You manage before your cheeks turned to a light shade of pink.

"It's a good drawing of me." He smirked.

"Oh! Uh! I-It's n-not finished...." you exclaim shutting the notebook. Now you face is as red as a tomato now.

"You have half-an-hour to finish your dinner before we meet at the training grounds."

"What? But it's dark already.."

"You scared of the dark?" He had a mocking tone.

"No! I was just wondering."

"You want to survive in here, you better get used to it." After that, he walked away. Once he left, you hurriedly shoved everything down your throat and cleaned up. As you were walking to your room, a hand grabbed you. Before you realised what was going on, a tall boy was lying on the floor with you foot on his chest.

"I-I'm so sorry! I let my instincts take over!" You apologise and you helped the boy up.

"Wow, your hand-to-hand combat skills are good."

"Thank you."

"I'm Eren Jaeger by the way, I was wondering since you were sitting alone, you want to sit with me and my friends?"

"Y-Yeah, sure." You smiled.

"Great! see you around!" Eren smiled and left. You continued down the corridor until you reached the training grounds. You walked around looking for Levi, but he was no where to be found.

You suddenly heard footsteps and when you turned around, Levi was charging at you with a wooden knife. Letting your instincts take over again, you fought Levi. He was a lot stronger than Eren and more prepared. In the end, you ended up on the floor with a wooden knife pointed to your throat.

"Pretty good, but not good enough."

"As good as any soldier can be, they can't beat humanities strongest." He was slightly taken back and distracted by your comment so that gave you the perfect time to attack. You knocked the knife out of his hand and pinned him down.

"Still underestimating me?" Fast as lightening, he pushed you off him and basically sat on you.

"Yep." You groaned as he helped you to your feet.

"I'd say you would've graduated at least in the top ten? Wait don't answer, I already know."

"Fortunately Yes, I finished 6th."

"Why didn't you join the MP?"

"Because they are Cowards."

"You think that?" He asked a little sarcastically.

"Why do you keep doubting me?"

He shrugged and picked up the knife, He beckoned you to follow him into the weapon storehouse.

OMG So sorry guys! that chapter was shorter than the first! I'm so sorry, I've been so busy with school work. The next chapter will be longer I promise! :)

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