{Chapter Three}

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You woke with the sound of canaries singing. You felt sore all over from the training last night. There was a knock on your door.

"Your late for breakfast brat." said a stoic voice which you figured was Levi.

"Uh....But you trained me so hard-"

"No excuses for sleeping in. Now get your ass outta bed."


"WHAT?! An expedition?!" You yelled standing up.

"Calm down (F/n), its gonna be fine." assured Eren as you sat with the for lunch.

"But I still suck as 3DMG!" you complain. You notice Mikasa staring daggers at you. You keep wondering why. Maybe it's because Eren is being so nice to me. You thought.

"I-I finished, I'll leave you guys to whatever you're doing now..." You say as you get up and clean your tray but Eren grabbed your arm.

"What's the matter?"

"I'll tell you later." You smile and walk off leaving Eren standing there still looking at you. You overhear a bit of their conversation: "....why are you so concerned?.......She's going into the.......Operation.....Levi's...." Huh? I'm going to Levi Squad? You shook your head at the ridiculous thought.

"(F/n)-chan!" You turned around seeing Eren running up towards you.

"Hey Eren."

"What's wrong?"

"Well Mikasa doesn't seem to like me that much."

"What are you talking about?"

"She keeps giving me the death stare..."

"Oh about that....well she's just protective of me."

"It's okay, I'm going to meet up wit-" you were silenced by a kiss. At first you had no idea what was going on, then suddenly, he kissed you. He pulled away suddenly. No he was being pulled away. B-by Levi....

"What the hell do you think you're doing Jaeger? 50 laps immediately."

"Y-yes sir!" he stammered running off.

"Did he sexually harass you in any way?" He asked turning to you.

"N-no sir..."

"Good. Now I have you all to myself." He said kissing you. Unlike Eren's kiss, which was soft, sweet and innocent. Levi's kiss was hard and sexual.

"L-Levi..." You muttered breaking the kiss.

"I thought you like me."

"I-I do...it's just...."


"Isn't this place a bit too public?"

"You're right." He said pulling you towards his office.

"Uh oh." You say loud enough for just him to hear.

"What are you afraid of?" He asked ever so innocently.

"What you are going to do to me maybe?"

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you." he smirked. Shutting the door behind him and locking it. He pushed you to the wall and started kissing you passionately. He slid his tongue in your mouth and you tasted the sweet coffee he had not long ago. A knock on his door interrupted the romantic moment.

"What?!" snapped Levi slightly irritated

"Sir.....I-I.....finished my.....laps...." Said Eren puffing out of breath.

"Whatever, I'm busy, return to your duties Jaeger."

"Yes sir." He replied walking off.

"Now," Said Levi turning his attention back to you. "Where were we?" You giggled and kissed him on the lips again. He wrapped his arms around you waist and pulled you closer towards him. You wrapped your hands around his neck and deepened the kiss.


"Where were you for the whole afternoon?!" asked Hanji developing sudden interest.

"I-I was helping Captain Levi." You replied quietly.

"With what?" she asked cocking her eyebrows.

"Cleaning his office." you replied quicker than you expected.

"Really?" she asked teasingly.

"Hanji! Don't get the wrong idea!" you lied your voice suddenly really high pitched.

"Okay okay!" she raised her hand surrendering. You laughed and finished you dinner in silence.

"Why aren't you sitting with lover boy?"


"You know, Eren, That kid has a huge crush on you."

"Don't be silly Hanji! Your job is to study titans and not ship your fellow soldiers!"

"Haha okay I'll stop." she laughed banging her fist on the table.

"Shut up four-eyes." snapped Levi sitting down opposite us.

"Oh? Shorty is sitting with us?" mocked Hanji.

"I'm not sitting with you glasses, I'm sitting with Soldier (L/n) here." he said flatly.

"Well I'll leave you two love-birds alone now." Says Hanji standing up and winking at me.

Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! It was kinda rushed but yeah.....Hope you liked it! Plz vote! :)

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